
Showing posts from 2021

minus 1 year till the end of the world

Heyoo! This is going to be my last post. For the year. Lol NOTE: *{When I say it was better or anything I mean it in my case i.e., in my life only. And not anything or anyone else. I know c0r0na got worse in 2021 and that’s definitely not what I mean when I say ‘2021 was better than 2020’. RIP to all the people who d13d because of this fatal disease and congratulations to everyone who fought it.}* Trail of thoughts - 4 “Right when we thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse, God has dropped his mic with 2021.” This is what everyone has been saying ever since Jan of 2021. Imagine being 2021, just coming next in the line trying to make people happy or better but being   judged by your disappointed doublet sibling, 2020. To be honest, 2021 was bad but not worse than 2020. Well according to me at least. But this blog isn’t a competition. I want to write about my life in these tw

Her Insecurities

This one is a story. A story about a girl who met someone who was the counterpart of her. Everything changed when she asked her to be her friend, the person who she thought was so different from her, but the real question, is she really so different?  The day we’ve first met Is still at the back of my head     Written with black ink Because it was bittersweet You were so much prettier Probably so much smarter So fair and skinny  Everything I wanted to be You got everything I ever wanted Thought there must be a lot more You were so much better than me For the first time, I felt the jealousy Few days passed by and you  Wanted me to be your friend  I thought it was sheer luck To be with someone like you I envied you Almost every day  I tried to  Copy your way I felt pathetic standing beside you A slave beside a queen I thought I had a few breakdowns because of you And of course I blamed you for that I was such a petty girl With appearance so dull You were the prettiest girl With a silky h

I Wish

I wrote this last year with a random burst of idea. i added a little but the theme is same.  I wish that my life was a game And I'd check the things that are lame Stuff that are useless to me And to the people around me I wish I could fly in the sky And run away from the lie That everyone around me Is just as useless as me I wish I was the sun among the clouds But not the shadow on the ground I wish I was brighter than the sun And not give people a chance to make fun Of me~ I wish I was the air in the atmosphere So that people wouldn't see me here I don't want the attention I get Because that's what makes me regret I guess I'm the Pluto in the space Not receiving the worth bit living the phase Getting all frustrated and Being helpless in the end I wish I was a scale Being perfect in every way Not giving people a chance To throw a glance At me~ I wish I were a robot Foreign to human emotions And not get attached With temporary relations I wish i were a computer worki

Instant Love

This is easily my longest poem yet. I don't want you guys to get habituated to this length though lol. its a story i thought of.  I still remember sitting behind the screen Blushing when you said that you love me That was quite sudden But I didn't care All I did was  Watch you play I didn't care but to wonder How you were so sure It's only been a few days And you seem awake But I'm still dreaming The world of impossible How you could love me While I didn't myself I had a question. No, a lot of them I broke the tension and asked them 'why do you like me?' I asked him with aching heart 'no reason' he said casually But I didn't let down my guard 'why do you like me?' This time it was serious I think he sensed it He started off with a few adjectives I felt satisfied but I wanted more Showing off  My human nature He evaded my questions and I couldn't know it I just went with the flow Wondering my next move We chatted and chatted.  Neve

feeling inside

This one is about me. (no wonder it sounds depressing lol) I don’t know what I’m feeling inside I don’t really understand anything I feel like I have my mind Everywhere but here I am bad at expressing my feelings I put on a mask for every expression That kinda sucks but it’s really Cool and I don’t really complain But then it comes The time we express  Our feelings  But I fail  I’m nervous but I can’t show it I’m so excited but you can’t see it Feels like I’m trapped  With my feelings inside Right before my speech I’m trembling in fear But no one wishes me luck Assuming I’m really fine But how do I tell them I need their support  While I can’t show them ‘cause my feelings' stuck inside I’m so happy for the surprise Want to tell my family that I love it But as my blank face says the words They don’t seem so sincere I hate that I can’t let them know That I love them a lot This sucks.  Yes it does I’m feeling so cheerful but I know you always doubt  My emotions as all you can See is a

aaand the End! 2

hah im back with part 2 ;) unlike a few i keep my promises :P  Trail Of Thoughts- 3 Part 2 a quick recap. (you still have to read part 1 if you didn't).  We planned on going out and decided to pack our bags with essentials. We have put some clothes aaand, Moving on. Let's search for some medicines for first aid. For fever, cold, body pains. And most importantly vitamins, iron and other stuff. As I said if we don't have any we can always go to a nearby medical shop. We'll be needing those the most. We don't know where we'll be staying or going once we step out of our houses. I saw it in a movie where the ml (meal lead) stays underground for a few days and carries all the necessary vitamins. I thought it was quite clever of him and got inspired.     Next is weapons. I don't think we have pistols or swords at our houses (if you do, we need to talk). So we gonna make a weapon. A handmade weapon. Have you seen the Korean series 'sweet home'? So basically

aaand The End!

 no this isn't my last post. lol.  Hello rinies! (ok that was cringy) rinie is your name from now on ♡  :) I always wanted a fandom (?) and name them. sooo here we go ;) (idk why but lets just keep it like that. i think i wrote that when i was drunk [its a joke, i don't drink]. albeit it was the truth). and btw i kinda spoiled this title in my last post lolol Trail Of Thoughts- 3 Anyways, in today’s ‘trail of thoughts’ series, we’ll be talking about “what if the world ends right now?”. Okay so this is my favorite topic to talk about. It’s just so interesting and fun. (Of course not in reality). First of all we need a reason for the world's end. Zombies? That’s like the basic thing that comes to our mind when we think of it. But what if the worlds end has an unexplainable ending. You know like a supernatural reason. That would be super tricky and unpredictable. So today I thought about talking about a particular ending. “What if all the adults disappear?”. This came into my

A Story

hello! this is going to be a lot different from my previous post. anyways, enjoy :) Crushes and crumbs in the plate The leftovers from what I ate. It was tasty and I devoured it But do I really have to do this? I walk to the dustbin And throw them away I felt kinda sappy And I don't know why I came back and sat With a pen and paper in my hand I want to write a story A complete fantasy Like a love story "I love a boy and He loves me" That's where it ends But it feels incomplete "How about a story with an open ending" I say to myself almost denying How about a story where I am stuck in A tower and a prince comes rescuing? ( oh no, that's common ) How about a story where I am too poor and And tortured by my step mother and- (Um that's worse) Well how about a story where everything Else is magical but me  (Wait that's realistic) Then how about a story where everything is  Lovable and I seem to fail at it Every time~ Every single time~ (That's har

im not depressed lol

Enjoy! the next lines aren't my words,  they're from a skit inside my head. im so depressed i wanna kill myself   i dont care about your feelings; i just want to leave this i cry myself to sleep every night i dont think i can survive i just want to lay all day i dont wanna care about what people say but i cant seem to take off your voice its stuck in my brain like a damn noice But then I'm glad you have a good voice But hearing the same thing in my head For almost everyday makes me dead. you won't leave me alone  I understood that now. I'm feeling emotional Seeing everything fall Right before my eyes  All my hardwork in just a night. i dont relate to everything i write, i just write things others wished they could write. I learnt my fantasies Aren't as uncommon as I thought. Fantasizing about dying, To see how people would react. I wish I had some rare illness, So that I can play victim Before all my family and friends And receive the sympathy. I like being piti

Fantasies And A Reality

heyyo! yep. This is a poem i wrote for my other best friend. This one is very special to me. Every line is a story to tell and laugh about. I mean everything I wrote. She is my first ever friend and best friend. The fact that we were neighbours kinda made it even more special. (we're also distant relatives if that helps). I love her and hope this poem conveys that to her. I already showed this to her and she loved it. I was so happy. This is my first ever poem I wrote for someone and I'm really proud of it.  Enjoy! I love to be your friend It's the best use of time.  I don't want these emotions to end, If it's okay, I wanna call you mine. They say you gotta pay a price In order to have what you fantasize. The cost I paid to have you Isn't bothering me at all. Maybe it's because you Are really close to my soul. I wouldn't exchange you  For mortality without you. Remember the Powerpuff girls we wanted to be. I was the one with a stick and beam. On the enem

Personality Test

Trail of thoughts- 2  Hello everyone! Today we are going to be talking about ‘Personality tests’. Yes personality tests. A few days ago I watched a video about it and was intrigued. (is it only me or do I sound extremely energetic) okay so I was curious in finding out what my personality would be. This is the “Myers Brigs personality test” we are talking about. Remember the drill? Yea, Google the meaning because we want no misunderstandings. The Google definition is, “A personality test is a tool used to assess human personality. Personality testing and assessment refer to techniques designed to measure the characteristic patterns of traits that people exhibit across various situations. Personality is something that we informally assess and describe every day.” Yep, now you got the idea boomer.  Anyways, I took this test a few months ago but I wanted to know if I changed by the passing time (like people say) or if I'm still the same. The former was proved when I took the test now.

Coffee And Tea

I wrote this poem for another 'best friend' of mine (that's what people call each other these days). This is pretty personal to both of us. But i still posted this because I felt really proud of how it turned out. This one is a story to tell. I actually almost completed the whole poem in just one night. I had a burst of creativity after sleeping for 4 hours.  I also share a 10 year old bond with this friend. I'm grateful for this.  Now, enjoy this beauty  ;) "Coffee And Tea" There's coffee and tea And there's you and me We may be similar but we ain't same We have good days and bad days are lame We are the main characters in the game We fight for each other and not for fame You are lovely and  You're my friend Friend is underrated When I compare it with you You're obviously more than a friend A bond that doesn't easily end It's been 10 long years since I first saw you with that helmet haircut, (that was really cute) We got closer thr

Always A Friend

This is a poem I wrote for my best friend. We've been friends for about 10 long years! It’s one of my  oldest friendships I have. I wrote this one for her birthday as a  gift.     Let's have a small introduction on our bond.  We've met in first class but our bond wasn't as strong as it is now. Though we have been in the same group of six for 3 years, our mental distance was further than our physical one. After a few years, our group was disbanded (lol that was funnier in my head) and we were separated. And obviously I wouldn't be here writing about her unless we were put in the same class, so yeah. We got closer in the next coming years. That's how a new bond started and got closer. That's it, now enjoy the poem/song.  The sky was bright blue The day I started your song I figured why you like this hue It's calm and makes us do what we long I met you when I was six An amazing and beautiful girl With no emotions mixed  And a long hair with no curl I like y