
Showing posts with the label Poems

was it a mosquito, or did i just hit myself too hard

TW: mentions of r-pe, bl0od This is an analogy, don’t take it literally. So basically this is about situations where you over think and rip off the band aid. Forgive me that was another analogy.   Let me explain with a small example. Imagine there was a test tomorrow. You studied really hard, like you pulled an all-nighter for it. Later you find out the exam is very easy. Almost too easy. It’s not because you studied so well, because all your friends who didn’t study like you got the same marks as you.   So ya.   Searching metaphors in everything but in reality there is nothing interesting in it.   There are times in life when you put in a lot of efforts even when it’s not needed.       "The Absinthe Drinker" by Edgar Degas     Was it a mosquito? Or did I just hit myself too hard?   Was it a 6 feet deep pool? Or did I just drown in a pond?   Was it a heart break? Or did I just cry over a...


  I click not interested for all the love posts on instagram Because I don’t think love exists like that   I don’t want stuff you can see I need the love that one can feel   I want the kind of love that starts with friends And our death is where it ends.   I want the kind of love That makes me the happiest in the world   I want the kind of love Helps me calm down   The kind of love That tells me to self love   The kind of love Till death do us apart   The kind of love That doesn’t kill each other   The kind of love That I would look forward to   The kind of love That I’ve always dreamt of.   I want the kind of love That makes me appreciate love. Helps me love love. Helps me cry happy tears. Helps me feel. Helps me conceal the fear. Keeps the skies clear.   2-9-24   Weathers the storms in my mind When I feel my worst When I feel like nothing...

women in male fields

  What do you want me to say? I don’t know what you want me to say,   I think you’re overreacting He is just a friend You’re borderline insane If you think there’s a link   Oh baby, calm down Nothing’s ever gonna go wrong Oh baby, keep it low I don’t want others to know   Why don’t you understand? Why are you jumping into conclusions? Why don’t you keep your mind open? Why don’t you keep us open?   I’m just saying I’m getting bored. It’s not serious but just letting you know.   I am sorry if you got hurt I was going through something Even though you think it’s not serious I was also going through silent battles.   I’m sorry you forgot to remind me of your birthday That is why I couldn’t wish you on that day I’m sorry but I forgive you bae It was an honest mistake that you made  

watch you

  I watch you fall in love While I save myself. Its heart wrenching To see someone waiting And you know you won’t Take them to their home.   I am not sure if I want you To fall for me Because it feels nice To be admired.   But then again, I can’t Torture you with The pain that comes with love.   The pain that comes with loving And not being loved back.   I read the books that Explain all sorts of Loves and their paybacks But never experienced one.   I watch you cry for me While I smile without glee. I’m not sure what to do Except to say I told you so.   I watch you break for me But I’m not the glue you need.   I watch you become a hero But I’m not you’re heroine.   I watch you become the devil for me But I’m not the angel in the sky flying.                       ...

glimpse of us

5th july, 2022  “But sometimes, when I look in her eyes, that’s where I find A glimpse of us”   But why is that the glimpse of us Is painted in red but not of love   Almost as if we were Never meant to be together   Like a boomerang You came back my life   But I was still bruised by the Love you gave me before   I guess the glimpse of us That you saw in my eyes Told you to forget us And go back to you and me   The picture in red All over my head Never showed a Tint of rose   Roses are red And so is blood Pink meant love And red always hatred   Cuz every time when you look in my eyes You see a glimpse of the picture Painted in red Separating you and I   It was never us Always us Fighting for love Something we never had For each other, oh   I called you my home And you did the same But it was just a door To the unrequited love.   The glimp...

to me

i have seen it all, The darkness lurking all around. i have experienced it all, The many wounds on my heart show it all. . Is there any love left inside of me? Am i even worthy of anything? These questions keep me awake While my tears dry up on my face. . Barren land surrounds my broken home i can’t even find a single brick of hope Tragedy fills up my eyes, While a smile covers my bleak life. . What is life without living, but a shell with nothing; Not even a life, if you ask me. . i can sense myself falling, falling, falling, falling Nothing to grab on to Nothing to live for, Except to hold on Till i stop falling one day. . Is not falling better than falling? Is life prettier if i stop falling down, ... And fall in love? . But what if   i’m incapable of love? What if life is but a lesson? What if my life was never worth anything? . All the while i fall, in the dark, dark night i wish for a star, a wish so subtle...

maybe just maybe

    I hope you don’t fall in love With another person,   ... Until you stop mourning About that one person.   A masked face on the outside Still loving that one girl deep inside I don’t think the present will love it If you keep living in the past.   Maybe just maybe Have you given a thought, Of how she might’ve forgotten you The day you guys bid goodbye, The day you were sure Would be the last day Her eyes would meet yours?   Maybe just maybe, Have you given a thought Of how the people you now spend time with Are a part of your life, While you still mourn the void That can be filled by only her?   Maybe just maybe Did you happen to think If you deserve more than A forgotten love?   Maybe just maybe You deserve love That’s looking at you Right now While you still search for hers.   Maybe just maybe You’re still blind And the love you thought eternal Has lost its spark Yet you still look for it.   Maybe just maybe You could stop living in...

you're a mystery

  I feel like I need to Know a lot about you.   You’re like a box of mysteries. Waiting to be opened by me.   The way you talk The way you walk The way you look The way you move Everything about you Makes me intrigued.   You hide a lot, You need to speak aloud, You need to have your voices heard, You need to fly, you little bird, If you want people to understand you. And if you want to be understood.   Every time I talk with you, I feel like I’m talk to a different person each time.   You keep changing and changing, You don’t want people to know you for real.   You think the world would leave you If they knew the real you.   But I promise I’m never gonna take a step away from you Because I would be too busy embracing you, the real you.   You’re like a mysterious fairy flying in the woods You’re the kind of mystery I’d love to explore.   All I need is the key And find...

I cant sing

I want to sing till I can’t breathe All because I want you to notice me.   Oh, I can’t sing, Yet I find all the lyrics To sing the right thing. Everything is rhyming.   I can’t sing, But I wish I did. So I can turn All awkward lines into songs.   I can’t sing, And you can. I’ll write all my love, And you’ll sing it out loud.   I can’t sing, Do you even know I love you? Do you ever think about me, While you’re singing in the crowd?   I can’t sing, To you I’m just a poet. But I’m a girl, Confessing though your songs.   To you.   I can’t sing, But I can learn, If it’s the only way You’ll listen.   I wrote many songs, Yet you choose the one, That stabs my heart In the right place,   A song about Loving Someone Else.   Do you know? Or do you not?   How much I love The way you are.   How is it that When you sing Your eyes Never...

growing old

Today  I  was thinking of you, like always, while  I was  falling asleep.  A few years from now, we will get married, have children, get them married and have grandchildren.  By that  time  we would be retired. I want to buy a house on the outskirts with some land and a two-story individual house for us. I will stop dyeing my hair black and peer pressure you into stopping  too . You would look so handsome with grey/silver hair. I would oil my hair every day so that when I washed it,  it’d  be silky, curly and bouncy. We would be competitive about who has better hair  and  obviously, you will win because  you’re   handsome always . Our kids and their kids would  come  visit us during festivals and spend a week. I hope our kids come  visit  us for every festival. I hope we raise them right and that they love us truly.  During summer, our grandchildren would be dropped off by their p...