was it a mosquito, or did i just hit myself too hard

TW: mentions of r-pe, bl0od This is an analogy, don’t take it literally. So basically this is about situations where you over think and rip off the band aid. Forgive me that was another analogy. Let me explain with a small example. Imagine there was a test tomorrow. You studied really hard, like you pulled an all-nighter for it. Later you find out the exam is very easy. Almost too easy. It’s not because you studied so well, because all your friends who didn’t study like you got the same marks as you. So ya. Searching metaphors in everything but in reality there is nothing interesting in it. There are times in life when you put in a lot of efforts even when it’s not needed. "The Absinthe Drinker" by Edgar Degas Was it a mosquito? Or did I just hit myself too hard? Was it a 6 feet deep pool? Or did I just drown in a pond? Was it a heart break? Or did I just cry over a...