minus 4 years till the end of the year

A little background about the title, back in 2021 when I started this blog (on blogger), I was in the ‘apocalypse’ phase. It’s like the emo phase but make it zombie apocalypse. My best friend got me into this. I was super into movies and series with this theme. Conspiracy theories, if you may. I named my first December 30 th post as “ minus 1 year till the end of the day ” and did the same for 2 more years and here we are. Trail Of Thoughts- 37 Sto-rini- 24 When I think back on this year, 2024, I’m not going back enough and all I can think of is the stu-dying part. In my defense, I had tons of exams and only studying for the past 8 months. Vigorously for the past couple. I don’t really see anything more positive than studying in a yellow painted walls windows locked room. Here’s a picture from when it rained a lot and it cleared the atmosphere and I could see actual colours other than black scribbles on white for the first time in a few months . September 19 th , 202...