being a poet


It’s exhausting.


Trail Of Thoughts- 32

Sto-rini- 21

You find metaphors in everything, everywhere. Every little action feels like a narration from a third view. Every thought is like a moment of truth that defines who I am.


Even little things like watching shorts for a few minutes before getting up in the morning, the deity narrates;

“When waking up in the fresh cloudy morning, Rini would rather look at her 15cmx7.5cm brick of technology than get up and take a peek at the never ending beauty of nature. Is this how she wants to start the day or is she made that way? Let’s find out in the next scene.”

And I, who just watched some brain-rot content to feel awaken, would stare into abyss and do a face palm.


Please tell me you all feel this way.

I can think of many more.


I use my computer while studying for music. The music sometimes turns into music videos which I don’t hate. I love Blackpink, but then the deity starts,

“Studying for one of the toughest courses in the world, she would rather rot her life while watching girls dance in colourful clothes and upbeat songs than look into her books she has laid out all over her desk. Is she what she really wants to do? Ruin her life over a few minutes of joy?”


OMG SHUT UP. Is this overthinking? If it is, mine is a “tad bit” extra (insert eye roll emoji)


There is more.


One of my many coping mechanisms for when im super stressed out is putting on nail polish and eyeliner. Makeup really makes me feel better. I love it so much. One day, ill truly learn to do makeup-


“Tomorrow starts her level 1 exams. She has worked the whole 8 months for this moment, for these four exams that can alter her whole trajectory of life. She should be studying till the end to make sure she locks I all her hard work, right? But NO, nail polish!! She is putting on blood red nail polish on both her feet and on left hand nails. She would rather spend her time dolling up than do something, anything productive that would at the slightest, help her future. Is this what she wishes to do? Or is she made this way?”


BRO it was a 5 minutes break, chill.


During the most trivial things too. Sometimes, in a hurry, I stepped out of the house with left foot first.


“There are certain customs/traditions/ superstitions that people follow because I makes them hopeful in the dystopian ‘Kali Yuga’, that bad things won’t happen or good things will happen (they’re both different). Everyone has superstitions, be from any religion or even atheism. It’s just a human nature, its engraved deep inside. Intentionally, deviating or doing the opposite of the ritual for a superstition is literally inviting bad luck to our doorstep. What exactly was Rini thinking when she did this? Stepping out with left foot when clearly everyone does it with the right foot. Does she “want” bad luck? Is she what she really wants?”


DUDE SHUT UP. This feels like a Dhar Mann production.


Maybe this whole narration things is a normal human thing but I like to stir some trouble so I started with “being a poet”. Ya just got click baited.

If anyone, who is not a poet, feels this way, please let me know in the comments below.


I have lots more if you liked these.


Thank you for reading.


I love you,





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