growing old

Today I was thinking of you, like always, while I was falling asleep. 

A few years from now, we will get married, have children, get them married and have grandchildren. 

By that time we would be retired. I want to buy a house on the outskirts with some land and a two-story individual house for us. I will stop dyeing my hair black and peer pressure you into stopping too. You would look so handsome with grey/silver hair. I would oil my hair every day so that when I washed it, it’d be silky, curly and bouncy. We would be competitive about who has better hair and obviously, you will win because you’re handsome always.

Our kids and their kids would come visit us during festivals and spend a week. I hope our kids come visit us for every festival. I hope we raise them right and that they love us truly. 

During summer, our grandchildren would be dropped off by their parents so they could go on a vacation or trip on their own. They deserve a ‘their time’ too! Our grandchildren would spend the day playing in the backyard while we attempt to make a trendy summer cool snack for them, hopefully getting tagged somewhere in the meta-verse. Oh of course we would be bad at technology. They will try their best to teach us and after a few trials, they understand that we are better off with Instagram and we are not cool enough for whatever apps they have going on. 

During the nights, we can sleep on the terrace while we look at the beautiful twinkles in the never-ending night sky way farther from the city pollution. But I would look at my very own personal galaxy, your eyes. I would stare at them, with a smile on my face and smiling eyes. You’d stare back at me with those cute, big, galaxies like heart-eyes and smile more beautifully than the shooting star I just missed, no regrets.

Every morning when we wake up, we would spend a few minutes just hugging, kissing each other’s foreheads and affirming our love towards each other. After 60 years of together, I would still ask you “Do you love me?”, and even after a million times you’d say, smiling “Yes, I love you so much”. I would giggle gleefully and tell you that I love you more. 

To make sure we don’t bore our beautiful grandchildren, we will show them our photo albums. I’ll show them how handsome you used to be back in the 2030s. Before I say my next, beautifully framed sentence, you’d pout. We all laugh and giggle and I say, kind of in a hurry, that you aged like fine wine. They would shout that it is so cringe and we smile ear to ear. 

Summer vacation comes to an end; their parents will be here to pick them up. We would, mafia-style, gift them some money. Before my children take the money from them, I’ll give them their gift money. Now everyone is happy.

Before leaving, the grandchildren taught us to learn the hologram calling machine that they bought for us, it was very difficult for both the parties to go through that night. We would call them and chat during the year. 

After they leave, I get so sad that night. I would swear that I am fine but eventually tear up saying I miss them already. You’d try to console me but you cry too after seeing me cry. I cry more because now you’re crying. That night we sleep after the tiring breakdown. 

After a couple of days, our lives come back to normal. I would spend our days writing poems about you while you draw me from afar in the whee chair (yes whee chair, I meant swing). I tell you it’s impossible to draw in that chair while you challenge me that you can. And of course, you win. I may have lost the bet but I won a portrait for myself. 

After a few days, our families visit for a festival. We would decorate our whole house with flowers and lights. All our cousins are very old; we are part of the younger pack so we proudly move about in the day. And in the night, we love the pain ointment more than each other. 

We would spend the holidays gossiping, enjoying, playing games, eating food, drinking juices and sleeping soundly. We would try to sneak to the terrace and enjoy a little ‘us time’ while we can. 

We would plant so many flowers, fruits and vegetable plants in our garden. My lifelong mission is to become sustainable and you’d do anything to get me the right materials. We would have solar panels on our rooftops, have vegetables growing in the garden, have an underwater system, a rainwater harvesting system, and a sprinkler system when we are too tired to get out of bed and water the plants.

Then I woke up. That was all a dream. The most beautiful dream ever. I think about it the whole day even while I'm studying and realize that we have a long way to go. 

~The End~ 

love love. i absolutely love this. i hope you did too.

leave a comment if this made you feel.

if you've read this, congratulations, you just read 850+ words. you reached your goal (haha). if you still wish to make yourself cry over love, you need to try these; key to my heart , What I think of when I hear the word love . masterpieces, literally. 

thank you,

i love you.


  1. And in the night, we love the pain ointment more than each other.

  2. Beautiful fr, this made me think about my imagination skills cuz yk I literally imagined each and every single word. Felt so tranquil while reading it. Loved it ❤️🫶.

  3. Love is the most twisted curse in this world

    1. i need to talk with you, privately, in the back of a dark alley, with a knife in my hand so i can rip my heart out and give it to you because you are actually right but wrong at the same time.

  4. this poem surfed through my heart

    1. thank you for calling this a poem. that's a whole another compliment. thank you <3


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