key to my heart

 I couldn't decide which category to add this into so i decided to put two labels on it, 'trail of thoughts' and 'poems'. The former because this is my thoughts and the latter is because this was supposed to be a poem.

Trail of thoughts- 6

(fun fact- my favourite single digit number is 6)

I wanted to write a poem about how much I like you. But then I couldn’t find the rhymes to express how much you mean to me. So just enjoy this little letter/message from my heart to yours,


You make me smile with my heart and yes, you make me want to crack a joke just so I can see you laugh. You look so beautiful when you do. In case no one told you before, I love it a lot when you smile and a lot more when I am the one who makes you smile. Your words fill me with positivity, I don’t know how you do it but you’re really good at talking and making my day better. When I see your eyes, they remind me of a mysterious forest that I would, one day, like to explore. Maybe one day I will find the real reason for who you are now. You are a mysterious unopened book, and I wanna read every page of it and if possible, be a part of it! A chapter or two is all I want. It’s true that I can’t give you what you want, but I hope I give you everything but grief and sad.


You’re so precious, your shyness makes me want to put you in my pocket and carry you everywhere. I want to go on little adventures, break the rules, have fun, and enjoy life when you’re with me. You showed me the other side of the world; the fun side, the loveable side, the happy side. My black n white life got introduced to the rainbow in the sky. Remember the little garden in my brain, when I think of love? Yes you are those flowers that bloom and bloom, you’re that rainbow colouring my sky, you’re that sun brightening my world.


You showed me many new things; I explored the non-planned side of my story. Never thought. you would bring this change in me. Who knew that a single “happy birthday” text would change my summer?


Movies and series taught me how a person can change because of someone but it was all theoretical before I met you. The practical experiment, the one that was so out of the blue it took me by surprise, showed me what unexpected love meant. Love? Is it love?

Nah, I don’t think so, at least I don’t believe it to be. Maybe, I don’t want it to be. I'm confused, and someday I wish to not know what's what and just enjoy the present as it happens.


The unexplored forest, the deepest ocean, the mysterious book, the unsolved puzzle. It’s all you. I want to explore you, know you, read you, solve you. I'm not talking about ‘fixing’ you. There’s nothing wrong with you. You, as a whole, are a beautiful perfect human being. You don’t need any remedies, or fixing. You’re cool as you are. And I like you for who you are, and not who you can be or who you are meant to be. You. Only you.


I wish these words could at least get in your head and let you know, that you being alive brings happiness to some. And you taught me a lot. I learnt a lot more too. Thank you for being here with me. Our future is kinda uncertain but uncertain doesn’t always mean danger, right? Maybe it’s as beautiful as you, and as fun as it is with you. Hope we get to explore it together one way or the other.



A silly little thing unrelated but kinda related to the topic:


Missing you when you’re not there, loving you when you make me smile, crying when it’s my fault aren’t the signs of love in my book. Missing you when you’re right here but I can’t hold you, loving you when you lend me a shoulder to cry on, crying when you say it’s your fault even though it’s not is what I think love is.

Speaking of love, sending me selfies even though you hate taking pictures makes me feel so special.

~The End~

Hope you guys like this as much as i loved to write it <3

i dedicate this to that one person who has the key to my heart and mind. the fact that they don't know this, is the only thing that's keeping me alive😭😭😭😭 

I usually don't like to read my write-ups more than twice but this, i read this over 6 times omg. i just LOVE this one and I would love it for life. this is just so cute and beautiful and omg I'm so grateful for my muse even though you would never know who it is.

my friends who did proof-read, almost cried while reading it πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’€

They thought it was for them while the person who it was for, was being dumb. 

(oh and i wrote this a month ago)

anyways, i hope you like it as much as i loved writing it <3



TDD-  well well, remember in the last post i said i was having exams? they're done now and so am i. it was kinda fun because the classes after the exam were so lame and slow. no-one wanted to study after studying the whole night. so yea basically had a burnt-out week and then i took a sick leave because (you guessed it right), i was sick. from the rain. 

then i got back to school and realised how i wished to be still sick. it's a long weekend ahead (yahooooo). i'm just gonna binge watch b99 (it's the best). (Andy Samberg for life)

the results of my exams are out too, i got like 90% (approx.). not happy but fine because it's just a monthly test. 

anyways, have a great weekend and have fun! don't forget to take a break now and then.

love you,



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