storytime with grandma rini about her life in poetry

   Heyyyyyy everyone!!!

I’m in such a good mood and that is because, a year back, exactly on this date, I started this blog! IT’S OUR ANNIVERSARYYY!!


So I decided to do a quick recap of my poetry’s badass back-story totally filled with guns and bl0od. (This is totally a joke because if I did have a gun, I’d k1ll mys-)



Sto-rini- 7


It was back in 2021; I just began to write poems but was definitely not so ready for another set of eyes to witness my words. I initially wrote poems for my best friends as a birthday gift, a customized gift full of love. It was not easy, AT ALL. I took days to finish a poem, some days I’d progress with a stanza and some days I don’t even touch the pencil. It was difficult to get words out of my mind, and the pressure of rhyming was on my head dancing.


Poetry to me meant rhyming and a nice beautiful flow; like a river, graceful. But for the perfectionist in me, it was a nightmare. I had to get things right on the first try or else it’s a piece of crap. (This isn’t some character development essay because I still do this, shamelessly admitting). I had to find the right rhyming and make sure the flow is intact and see if the lines make sense as I write them with breaks (hours) in between. It was quite a difficult tas- who am I kidding, it WAS a difficult task. But I had to do it before the deadline. I’m talking about completing lines, just the writing part. Because there’s more.


Editing. I need to cut, arrange, cut, rearrange the lines and the cycle repeats. This task took me a week for one poem.  I wrote three poems for three of my best friends so imagine the amount of time I dedicated for this (Ily guys). The fact that two of them had their birthdays so close was another obstacle for me. But finally I completed the poems within 5 days of the ‘deadline’. (Funny how a ‘birth’day is my ‘d3ad’line).



That’s how I was introduced to the art of poetry; as in how I made myself write it (almost forcefully but let’s not talk about it). It was fun, but it was an elementary thing (in my opinion). Because I wrote what happened and what was there. Anyone can write what they saw or heard. I needed to write something from my mind, completely my piece of work. That’s how I gave birth to the work of my mind, fantasy world filled with metaphors.


My surroundings were my inspiration, I wrote about anything. The only thing I wanted to do was write, write as much as I could. I would find metaphors in almost anything around me, like that of the nature, human behavior, human feelings and emotions and etc etc. it’s just a matter of observing. If we actually try to look, there’s a lot to see.


Coming to this blog, I was initially so scared to start one because who would read a teenager’s diary like blog and I’m probably just wasting my time on pen and paper and building high expectations. But who would’ve known that we would finally hit 1500 view mark in one year??? Ahhh yasss we hit 1500 views omgg. I love you guys!

Im so grateful for my brother for supporting me into doing this and believing in me more than I did myself. Thank you.

(Too much affection, topic change)


Creating a blog wasn’t the end, it was just a beginning. A blog means it needs posts (genius) and to post regularly meant to write regularly. I was initially compelled to post every week then I backed down a bit and decided to post every 10 days. (I’m so happy I did that, so happy that I didn’t believe in myself that I can post every week [which is true btw]) even posting in this schedule is a pain in the a--. I mean it’s such a beautiful hobbyyy!!~


So that’s how my journey (totally filled with roller coasters, friendships, love stories, break ups, revenges, avenges, deaths, re-births, murd-) began and is going on thanks to you guys! I have nothing more to say except that i'm really thankful to you. If not for you, I would not continue this with as much excitement as i do it now.


So yea, that’s it for today, hope you are having a nice time and hope you have an extra nice day tomorrow!! see you again in the next post, until then, take care <3





~The End~



TDD- fun. period. exams.


Just three words to explain my ten days. hope you had a good 10-day lol.

my exams started and though my teachers keeping saying it's no biggie, i'm starting to think maybe it is a biggie, let it be a small or big biggie.

that’s it!


love you πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŒΌπŸŒΊπŸ§‘πŸ’–

also i noticed you can't comment in some posts of my blog and i'm so sad :((



[Heyy guys, it’s me Rini from the backstage; I have noticed that the comment thingy is overlapped with my write-up and I have not a single idea about the cause nor the remedy. But then I noticed I could post a story if I clicked on the 'post a comment' twice. so I just wanna say, if you can’t post the comment, maybe give it a try by clicking on it vigorously like you really mean it (old school method, beat the hell out of your mouse or touch pad)]

ok ok i fixed it at the cost of views.


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