minus 4 years till the end of the year

A little background about the title, back in 2021 when I started this blog (on blogger), I was in the ‘apocalypse’ phase. It’s like the emo phase but make it zombie apocalypse. My best friend got me into this. I was super into movies and series with this theme. Conspiracy theories, if you may. I named my first December 30th post as “minus 1 year till the end of the day” and did the same for 2 more years and here we are.


Trail Of Thoughts- 37

Sto-rini-  24

When I think back on this year, 2024, I’m not going back enough and all I can think of is the stu-dying part. In my defense, I had tons of exams and only studying for the past 8 months. Vigorously for the past couple. I don’t really see anything more positive than studying in a yellow painted walls windows locked room. Here’s a picture from when it rained a lot and it cleared the atmosphere and I could see actual colours other than black scribbles on white for the first time in a few months.

September 19th, 2024

The day I saw colours.


To be dramatic, those colours brought me more joy than the yellow paints in my classroom. Very ironical. I wrote a poem on that day after a long time. The poem is in my top 3. I haven’t posted it yet, and I may not.


Anyways, when I say looking back, these few days I could only look back a few months. And all I see is dampened spirits to write this blog. Then it hit me, the year starts from January!


I had a fun time in the first, say, 3 months of 2024. I went to visit my brother in another state with my parents. Stayed a week, celebrated parent’s anniversary. Got the results for my level 1 exam which I aced. I then celebrated my birthday, didn’t go great but not bad. Had a movie afternoon with friends. The intense studying didn’t start till May. Well, there were elections in May so I’d say from june-july. Oh my bad, the intense studying ‘should’ve’ started from June-July when it actually started from October. I know, huge mistake. I agree. 100 percent. That may be my biggest mistake of this year. ‘If only’ I started earlier.


Can’t cry over spilled milk. I really enjoyed the first few months of college, we had lots of fun. We were warming up to the teachers, we changed campus which we hated initially but when we were asked to go to the old campus for a week, we really appreciated the freedom and fun we had in the new one. The day we got back to the new one, my gratefulness hit the roof. We had lots of fun, with no cameras, our favourite ice cream brands right across the street, teachers who were kind enough to give us breaks and ac. Yes ac plays a big role. Thinking about it, I actually had a great time this year. One day our law sir had enough of us not paying attention that he made us play a game. The game is called “three”. For my friends reading this, no I will never shut up about it. In the game, every student starts reciting the numbers and we have to clap when our number is either 3 multiple or a number with 3 in it. for example- 1 , 2 , clap , 4 , 5 , clap, 7 ,8 , clap, 10 , 11 , clap, clap, 14 , clap , 16 and so on. Everyone was so so so excited; we played for the whole period which was about an hour. The highest we ever got to was 77 which was by the two finalists. One of them clapped at 77 and the other won. It was me, I won. LEZZZGO. Still one of the greatest feelings ever. It's tied up with the time i did stand-up comedy in costing class imitating my accounts sir. 


One of the epiphanies I had in this year is that i'm actually living my dream life. The life that I used to wish for for many years as a kid. I now have my own room. I love that. My father got this blinds which when closed make the room all dark. As a kid, I always wished to have darkness when we used to sleep in the afternoons on Sundays. I can’t sleep even with little light. I need absolute darkness to fall asleep. The day we got blinds, I mean that night, I was so so happy. It was completely dark. I couldn’t even see my own hands raised up. I wasn’t grateful that night, no I took it for granted. After a rough day, when I closed the blinds and slept in the evening, with little sunlight, that’s when I was grateful. That’s when I had the epiphany, that I am living my dream. Few days into, I found some glow in the dark stars and moons stickers. I put them right about my head on the ceiling. I can see them before falling asleep. That’s the most beautiful thing ever. Here’s a picture  


Pastel colours and a home-made galaxy

This year, I spent a fraction of it being grateful and it brought me so much happiness. This blog is a reminder for you to be grateful for all the things you have, even the mundane ones like steady electricity. I know I'm grateful for it because of the cuts we got from the heavy winds in the last couple of weeks. It was really taking off. Haha. Get it? The wind? Taking off the electricity with it? No? Okay L

what the fuck is this shit lmaoooo

 Another thing I learnt is “live, let live”. I know, again, its very mundane and normal, but I didn’t get it get it like this time. Judging is an inherent human trait. Nothing can stop you from judging people but you can always shut tf up about it. like they say, emotions are inevitable but reactions are manageable. In this reel I saw the other day, “secure people judge in silence, insecure people speak about it” something along the lines. That relieved me because I always thought I was a bad person for even judging people little bit. This epiphany was life-changing.

Now, let's get to the funniest part of the blog. Resolutions for 2025. Along with lessons I learnt in 2024 that I’ll take to 2025.

1.       Call me a broken record player but- being grateful.

2.       Not compare my life with others’ because everyone goes in their own pace, have their own journey to their own destination.

3.       Change my perspective from the way my body looks to the way my body works and feels. Being healthy is a luxury these days. With my dad being very sick I started taking care of myself more. We all are.

4.       Being better than yesterday. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the concept of baby steps. You either do it with all your will or half ass it. “But what’s with the ‘baby steps’?” I used to think. But now I get it. Always try to be better than yesterday.

5.       Time spent well is time well spent. Doing something you enjoy is NOT a waste of time.

6.       Taking a break is okay. I’ll say it again. Taking a break is okay.

7.     New quotes! live, let live.



Now I will react to my predictions from my December 30th, 2023 post. There’s no time like time to be ridiculed!!

My predictions for 2024: (copy paste) I just realized I made lots of list, ahhh the pressure to make them this time too.


1.       I score well in ca foundation- I actually did, very proud of myself.

2.       Go on vacations- I did, once. Still very grateful.

3.       Our blog surpasses 6000 views!!- What I’m about to say will blow your mind, WE SURPASSED 12,000!!!! Insane shit, im soo happy.

4.       Watch a ton of movies- not a ton, but a few. I’d say maybe 10?

5.       be happy. – I tried my best. It’s easier to be happy, honestly.




My goals for 2024:


1.       Write journal regularly- uhhhhhhhh lets skip that.

2.       Post consistently- yessma’am. Did that.

3.       Meet up with my friends- in college, right? You mean in college, right? Right? I did meet up with a few on Independence Day.

4.       Sleep 8 hours DAILY. - You will be surprised to know this is hard to achieve. I now have a very weird sleep schedule but I can assure you i'm getting enough sleep.

5.       Learn Latin!!- I did not. I mean, what was I thinking? I deleted duo after hitting 300 day streak. I no longer fear at the passing time from 23:55 to 00:00.

6.       Make memories- I did. And I’ll speak of them my whole life.

7.       be happy.




My wishes for 2024: (read this if you want to buy me a birthday gift)    [I know not very conventional of me to put this here J. Anyways you can still gift-]


1.       A cute keyboard please!! This one sucks.

2.       Stationery. I love stationery.

3.       Spotify premium. – I got it myself with student premium B) I also got YouTube premium.

4.       A scooty. I don’t want to commute in public transport any more >:(   - I can’t even ride a cycle, what was I expecting.

5.       Headphones!!! My old one looks crappy af – they still work. No biggie.

6.       Crafts stuff. I want glitter. I want to redirect all this academic pressure onto something other than my doom scrolling. - My mom unknowingly got me glitter!!! The day I got it, I don’t think I remember this list. Unironically, funny.

7.       Skincare!!!- Sunscreen is my friend.

8.       Wardrobe upgrades fr- keep dreaming buddy

9.       Beeee happyyyyyyyy- lmao why is this under ‘gifts’ too??? Ahahahaha





Ok time to predict 2025 insert evil laughter.

1.       Blog views surpass 20k

2.       I do well in ca inter and cma inter

3.       Go on trips

4.       Join a good articleship firm

5.       Make new friends

6.       Start living independently.

7.       Be happy


Goals for 2025

1.       Post consistently

2.       Be grateful and communicate it

3.       Express emotions well

4.       Manage reactions rather than feelings/emotions

5.       Meet old friends, stay in touch

6.       Journal regularly (I softened it, ok? Not daily but regularly. When you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, amirite?)

7.       Be happy.


Wish list (shameless)

1.       Lego flowers

2.       Candles

3.       Stationery

4.       Diary

5.       Dairy

6.       A whole ass printer >o<

7.       Stickers




I love the post. I know it was a good thing I procrastinated till the last couple of days to write when I actually feel like writing it and not half-ass it. This turned out great. Lovely.

After a long time, I wrote something very personal in here.


I love you for being here till the end of the post, year and both. It was lovely having you here. Thank you for being here.


Be happy,

Live, let live.


Yours lovingly,




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