minus 3 years till the end of the world




The title may seem a bit absurd so let me explain. In 2021, when I first started this blog, I typed out a post talking about the year 2021 as a tribute to the year to post on December 30th 2021. And what did I title it? “Minus one year till the end of the world”. It was really funny, back then I was obsessed with apocalypse, existential crisis and world-ending stuff, I still am. So that felt super appropriate and it’s like letting people know that it’s been a year! And I did the same in 2022 as well, and thought to myself, ok so this is a tradition.


And two years later, we are here, minus 3 years till the end of the world!

Trail Of Thoughts- 26

Sto-rini- 19


For all the newcomers, in this post I will be talking about a whole bunch of stuff. I will answer some questions I had for myself last year and see if any of the predictions came true. And at the end, we will be leaving some more questions and predictions for 2024 December Rini to laugh at!


So I predicted the following:

1.       Our blog surpasses 4000 views- YASS WE DID THAT!!!

2.       I get into a good institution- 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

3.       I score well in my 12th- yeppp, very proud of my score!

4.       I make more friends- yessirr, I made many friends, and some for life

5.       Be happy- honestly, I had a ton of adventure in this year, mostly emotionally speaking.



The last one got me thinking, I really felt happy this year, not as much last year though. But this one was different. I joined a school for my 11th and 12th education too, people usually join college. So technically I was in school for 12 years. And it was awesome. I would see all my friends suffer in colleges and I felt better lmao- anyways, after lots of fun in school, I joined an institution. Its college but not technically a college. It’s an educational institution, kind of like coaching centre for CA. Yep, I am doing CA, I’m still in the foundation level so ya.


I know I talked about suffering in this college since I joined, literally from the first month.

Wait let me talk about the whole year, since January because this god-forbidden college doesn’t deserve the whole BlogSpot. (I love this college. you can lower the g-n)


The first three months was ALL about boards. We had boards from February till March 31st. Precisely, 35 days of EXAMS. FINALS. Don’t take me wrong I LOVE exams. I really do. I worked really hard for them. I made a bomb plan for the whole 40 days of exams. And guess what? I followed through all the days. My proudest happiest moment tbh ngl legit speaking no cap no cap.  I followed all the tips I saw o online about making a time table, like how it shouldn’t rigid and stuff, I’ll talk more about making time-tables in a different post.


I completed March successfully writing the exams. This is when ALL the competitive exams begin. Not for me though. While my other friends suffered in that, my parents thought that I was being very happy so they threw me in this college (im kidding I love my parents sm).


April began and my suffering too. I had to commute 3 hours EVERYDAY for college. And top of that we had half-days. Not so bad right? NO. IT WAS WORSE. I had to return home under that scorching 1’ o clock summer sun. I’m talking 45-50 degrees Celsius. That’s hot. After a few days, I fell terribly sick and took a fortnight off.


May to December, no difference. I was in the rat maze. Trapped in the matrix.



600 words, I realized im onto nothing.


Please forgive me for this absurd post. Im so very burnt out.



Im very happy in this institution. I found my people, yet again. A friend of mine joined college and they were not happy there and that they are not motivated to go daily. They asked me for advice, and what I do when I feel that way. My main advice is “fake it till you make it.” I have been using this since that viral audio of Rihanna. I told them that I love studying and also that when I don’t feel like going to college for studying, I have friends there. “Friends”, they said gloomily, “how did I miss that?”. They’re very reserved and not one to start a convo. Well you'll be happy to know that they’re finally happy. They made friends and it has been going better than before. I'm so happy for them.


Last year, I had a resolution. “To work on carefully expressing my emotions”, and I did that (I think). I still have a long way ahead. My 2024 resolution is to be healthy and happy. Oh also to communicate healthily, I cant be immature anymore I’ll be an adult soon 🤭🤭🤭



My achievements for the year:

1.       Passed 12th first rank in school :D

2.       Blog surpassed 4300+ views!!

3.       Made friends for life

4.       Suffered together, learnt that I’m not alone, any time.

5.       Wrote some dope poetry

6.       Started learning Latin as a joke.

7.       Learnt and still learning how to be a better human, everyday. Damn some people can really change you.

8.       Loving life, seriously.


My failures in the year:

1.       Not communicating well

2.       Not being consistent

3.       Not studying healthily

4.       Not taking care of myself and falling sick every month.

5.       Not being grateful for life. Wait no scratch that. Not letting people know that I’m grateful.


My predictions for 2024:

1.       I score well in ca foundation

2.       Go on vacations

3.       Our blog surpasses 6000 views!!

4.       Watch a ton of movies

5.       Be happy.


My goals for 2024:

1.       Write journal regularly

2.       Post consistently

3.       Meet up with my friends

4.       Sleep 8 hours DAILY.

5.       Learn Latin!!

6.       Make memories

7.       Be happy.


For it to happen, I need to make it happen, amirite?



My wishes for 2024: (read this if you want to buy me a birthday gift)

1.       A cute keyboard please!! This one sucks.

2.       Stationery. I love stationery.

3.       Spotify premium.

4.       A scooty. I don’t want to commute in public transport any more >:(

5.       Headphones!!! My old one looks crappy af

6.       Crafts stuff. I want glitter. I want to redirect all this academic pressure onto something other than my doomscrolling.

7.       Skincare!!!

8.       Wardrobe upgrade fr

9.       Beeee happyyyyyyyy



And that’s all for today. I absolutely LOVE making lists.


I love you for being with me until the end, be it end of the post or end of the year or both.

I love you so much for reading my blogs! I love you.


Have a great 2024 ahead. Have lots of fun. Don’t be afraid to try. Try new things, go on adventures, explore. And of course, always be happy and healthy. (NEVER ignore sleep, it is VERY IMPORTANT.)



I love you,

