Instant Love

This is easily my longest poem yet. I don't want you guys to get habituated to this length though lol. its a story i thought of. 

I still remember sitting behind the screen
Blushing when you said that you love me

That was quite sudden
But I didn't care
All I did was 
Watch you play

I didn't care but to wonder
How you were so sure
It's only been a few days
And you seem awake

But I'm still dreaming
The world of impossible
How you could love me
While I didn't myself

I had a question. No, a lot of them
I broke the tension and asked them

'why do you like me?'
I asked him with aching heart
'no reason' he said casually
But I didn't let down my guard

'why do you like me?'
This time it was serious
I think he sensed it
He started off with a few adjectives

I felt satisfied but
I wanted more
Showing off 
My human nature

He evaded my questions
and I couldn't know it
I just went with the flow
Wondering my next move

We chatted and chatted. 
Never heard the voices once.
We were so in love
Or so we thought

Days passed and I 
Felt something was off
I started having
Trust issues

I asked for his password.
He hesitated but didn't show it
He gave it after a minute
As if clearing something

Just as I expected
There was nothing at all
Just chats with his friends
And yes, nothing more

I got more suspicious
Wanting more evidences
To prove he isn't
Right for me.

I stopped. I wasn't thinking straight. 
I was acting on influence
But whose exactly?

Everything felt 
So difficult
I couldn't get it 
Out my mind

I started noticing
Girls messaging him
But the most craziest
Is him messaging back

I got angry and sad
Felt like I didn't have a right
To stop him because
He said he loved me
Just because he said it first
It felt like I lacked the authority

That was stupid
But I didn't know.

And then he asked for my password
I gave it to him cuz I got nothing to hide

He messaged a few boys and deleted their chats
I got furious, how dare he do that?

Nvm I thought
And he repeated his fault

Just a week passed 
Since he confessed
Felt like an eternity
Fighting in the battlefield

Nonetheless the problems
He was a sweet talker 
Makes you forget the world
With all his magic spells

Makes me wonder 
How many girls were
Under his spell

It just doesn't matter anymore
Cuz I broke up with him long ago

It's been a year and 
I feel so much better
Hoped for a better end
But I'm happy with what I got 

'so' I thought to myself
'this is what instant love feels like'
Feels nothing like the stories on my shelf
But sure a story to share. 

~The End ~

yep thats it. what'd you think? i hope you guys like it :3 
the last line was really difficult for me to say lmao. after just severa- i mean three or four attempts I got it right haha (laughs nervously).
we have one more month until 2022. it feels so surreal ngl.
it feels like time just flew by though we know it didn't. i mean i can still remember the first months of 2021. i remember the ny party, my bday, masked school and all the others. sigh. i am not sure if it's a good thing or not. anyways, that's it for today. bye!


(all right, 10 days diary. today {30/11/21} was my first exam, first offline one in a while actually. T_T [i write this before the date its published so idk how i performed in my exam :') im anxious]  anyways, the last 10 days flew by because as long as i can remember i was writing this for my last post just yesterday. feels like it. i feel so lazy and tired these days. just bored.
my english mam gave us an assignment "Pair-Interaction". its basically a speaking skills test, two students should record themselves talking about a topic. my friend i chose "Expressing Ourselves As A Teenager". that was a bit extra comparing to our fellow friends topics lol. {actually a lot extra if i may add} i think it came out pretty well. ooh what if i post about it? that'll be cool, eh? 
okay then, peace out!)


  1. Girl.... How are you so good at this??!
    I'm so in awe with your work bish..����

  2. Wow! its amazing ,keep writing .enjoy ur work πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Awesome work done by u Rini, I wish u a great success ahead, plz continue , the transparency of the poem reflects everyones life.


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