Fantasies And A Reality

heyyo! yep. This is a poem i wrote for my other best friend. This one is very special to me. Every line is a story to tell and laugh about. I mean everything I wrote. She is my first ever friend and best friend. The fact that we were neighbours kinda made it even more special. (we're also distant relatives if that helps). I love her and hope this poem conveys that to her. I already showed this to her and she loved it. I was so happy. This is my first ever poem I wrote for someone and I'm really proud of it. 

I love to be your friend
It's the best use of time. 
I don't want these emotions to end,
If it's okay, I wanna call you mine.

They say you gotta pay a price
In order to have what you fantasize.

The cost I paid to have you
Isn't bothering me at all.
Maybe it's because you
Are really close to my soul.

I wouldn't exchange you 
For mortality without you.

Remember the Powerpuff girls we wanted to be.
I was the one with a stick and beam.

On the enemies, I would cast a magic spell.
And you with the powers, would throw them into a well.

I always wanted to be a princess.
And that was possible when you are by my side.
All the afternoons we spent on terrace,
We played kitchen and from the sun we hide.

The papers we cooked,
The plastic we cleaned,
The dishes we made 
On the dry flame,

Everything is right
In front of my eyes
I can never forget.
Maybe I will, which I regret.

Seems like a fantasy,
But I'm right down here.
Seems like the reality
But I'm right up here.

All the functions that we attended
And for each other the seats we saved, 
Just so we can sit together
For the rest of forever.

I hope I can smile again as I look into your face,
As I struggle to compete in my life's maze.

You're beautiful both inside and out.
And I wanna say that I love you aloud!

There are mistakes that I don't really care about. I was a beginner and I made mistakes like any beginner would. There may be some problems with the flow or continuity considering I wrote the whole poem in 15 days and arranged the lines at the end. I can actually improve it but decided not to. This is special because she loved it like it was. So I decided not to do anything to it. It's beautiful the way it is for me. 
(writing this made me emotional. why? she moved places and isn't here anymore. there's no chance she would come again. i really miss having her here, though we don't hang out much these days, it's nice having someone around, you know?)

(right, 10 days. last ten days was like a movie, full of bad and some good things. good thing was that we had a debate competition in our class and i did a really good job ;). those were my friends' words, not mine. i absolutely enjoyed it. a bad thing was that 'gulab', a typhoon passed my state. we got holidays and it rained a lot and i loved it. i like rainy season. not too cold, not too hot. btw exams are going on :( its online so no worries :D aaaaaaand thats it!)

bye-bye. see you soon!


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