aaand The End!

 no this isn't my last post. lol. 

Hello rinies! (ok that was cringy) rinie is your name from now on  :) I always wanted a fandom (?) and name them. sooo here we go ;) (idk why but lets just keep it like that. i think i wrote that when i was drunk [its a joke, i don't drink]. albeit it was the truth).
and btw i kinda spoiled this title in my last post lolol

Trail Of Thoughts- 3

Anyways, in today’s ‘trail of thoughts’ series, we’ll be talking about “what if the world ends right now?”. Okay so this is my favorite topic to talk about. It’s just so interesting and fun. (Of course not in reality). First of all we need a reason for the world's end. Zombies? That’s like the basic thing that comes to our mind when we think of it. But what if the worlds end has an unexplainable ending. You know like a supernatural reason. That would be super tricky and unpredictable. So today I thought about talking about a particular ending. “What if all the adults disappear?”. This came into my mind and I got super excited to think about it. So if all the adults disappear and only the teens remain, how are they gonna survive the world (if at all they wanna)? Ok the last part is inspired by someone I know when I asked them this. Now let’s draw the imaginary story-line. You were having an afternoon nap after your brain-eating assignment. It was supposed to be a power nap but… yk. You wake up 3 hours later without lunch and you see that no one’s home. Not even your teenage sibling. For this to be tricky let’s just kil- I mean vanish them.

So you’re the only one there and it takes some time for you to digest that. You eat something and message your friends and notice that the electricity is gone. The cellular towers aren’t working either. After a few minutes of calling your parents and family you realize that there are no people around your locality. It’s as if there has been a massacre. Dead silence filled the room as you sit on your couch and look into the dusty air. As a frequent ‘thriller-suspense’ comic reader, you finally accept the reality. The world has come to an end and you’re the sole survivor.  

Okay so now you get an idea. If I were in that position I’d first make sure of my prediction before I act all wild. I know my family only disappeared but not killed so no need to get all emotional and cry for them. The least thing you want to be is emotionally weak. So after I reassure it, I’ll do some preparations in the house. I'd first ration out my food, fill my bottles and close all doors and windows. I may also hang a saree or cloth outside informing others about my existence, if there is anyone out there that is.

Then, I’ll start packing. I mean I can’t possible stay here for a long time right? Now this is a very important task. I started writing this post just so I can brag about my packing skills lol. So we are not going on a trip or anything so no heavy packaging. Oh and we should check our areas if there are any zombies or supernatural things or monsters walking around. Even if there are none, we’ll pack lightly and importantly. I watch Shinchan a lot and of course the movies. This topic reminds me of the movie, ‘bungle in the jungle’. Shinchan and his friends’ families go on a cruise when all the adults get kidnapped into an island. And of course our shinchan is no person to just sit and watch ‘em go. So he and his friends go to that island and search for their parents and action kamen (obviously).

Enough chit chat, let’s get back to work! Packing of course :). Well first select a bag enough to hold some stuff and easy for you to carry. The best option I would suggest is your school bag. It satisfies both the requirements. Now now, what are we packing? Food, clothes, medics, games? Yeah. Currently I have some biscuits and noodles at home.  I am more than happy to take them with me. If you got nothing at your house (which is pretty understandable and relatable), we can always stea- I mean borrow from the nearby shops. It's a little risky but it's okay. We'll put them at the bottom of our bags. Now some clothes. Walking for days (probably) with the same clothes is unhygienic and kinda stinky, so let's put on some pairs of clothes. Now clothes means not some crop tops or sleevless or short. I mean seriously? You wanna die? We will be needing clothes that completely cover our body. Full sleev t-shirts or jackets or hoodies and pants. We will wear the most protective set while going out and put the others in the bag. and also some clothes like normal clothes. Hand kerchief, towels. Why? What if we get injured and we need something to tie it with? So yeah.

to be continued~

sorry for the abrupt ending, it's just that the post is getting long (and i dont have anything to post for a few days lol). I will post the part 2 next for sure ;) 

i hope you guys like it till here. As i said, this is one of my favourite topics to talk about, so if you guys don't like this i would be offended -_-  Anyways, that's it for today. byee


(10 days passes and here we are again. i will have my exams in the first week of december >_< and its offline :'( ughh.  my cousin got married!! it was really fun and not to mention tiring too. i dont think i have ever seen a whole wedding before. it went on really well :D. my classes are getting tougher by the day. our brains just stop working by the last period lol. i got my diamond painting framed!! it looks super pretty rn omg.)



  1. Here I am reading after 5 months! Moving onto the 2nd partttttttttttttttttttttt..................


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