another one already?

 Heyyy!! Sooo, it’s been exactly 2 years since I started this blog. 2 WHOLE YEARS. Where did all the time go?


Sto-rini- 16

Trail Of Thoughts- 20

I remember being so uncertain about this yet so confident. Uncertain because I know I won’t get many views and confident because I can do whatever I want since I won’t get many views.

Well that wasn’t the case after all. In the 2 years of posting I have gained about 3300+ views combined and more than 60 comments and almost 30 followers!!

This means a lot to me. I love this.


Well, enough sentiments. I made up a list of things I learnt in the past 2 years. Let’s get unpacking!


1.       Consistency


Maintain a posting schedule and follow it. No matter what. Always post on that day. My posting schedule is to post thrice a month, every ten days. At first, 2 years ago, I wanted it to be once a week. But I took a step back and decided to be more lenient with myself. And I’m so thankful I did that. (I could’ve always changed it). Well, being consistent is always the number 1 reason for any type of success. I heard about it, read about it. I still do. So whenever I think about my blog, I just feel so happy that I’m very consistent and don’t miss a day. Never gotten a sick day!

The ways I achieved this is not the most inspirable way to do so. Whenever I would lose interest, or lose track of time and panic that it’s 10th already, I would just go back to my completed poems/write-ups folder and pick one that interests me. And when I don’t have any left in the cookie jar, I knew I had to knead a new one or bake one or just decorate one (Those are the stages from writing to posting; knead a new one- write a whole new poem, bake a new one-add some lines to an incomplete one, decorate one-add a draft in the blogger website).

That was a secret but it’s now open.




2.       Don’t expect anything from readers


Second. Never ever ever expect anything from the readers. I had to learn it the hard way. I would be whipping out the best poem¹ I have ever written and write a whole freaking explanation paragraph to it because it has sooo many metaphors and you know what happens? People give out 0 responses. As a matter of fact I get the least amount of views. It is seriously so frustrating. I also have this one philosophical review I wrote for a YouTube video I saw. I absolutely loved it yet I didn’t receive any ‘good’ response for it.

Wait till I tell you about the poems I wrote in a jiffy² that are not so good and they get a better response. It honestly annoys me a lot.  I will be listing out all the poems’ link I talk about in this post; take em, read em, and tell me why you did me bad.

Basically don’t have any high hopes for any of your poems/write-ups.




3.       Always promote it


This is very important. It’s basically an extension of the previous point. You never know which post of yours will get what kind of response, so it’s safe to promote them all. “What if people think it’s bad and it’s actually bad?” NEVER think like this. Because there is always that one ³weirdo that would love that poem you wrote about that one stupid thing you did for an assignment where you were asked to write about the topics written on the board and you wrote about it only to realize the topics were not what you thought they were. So ya, everything is worth promoting and yes one of many is very certain to love that piece. So for their sake, just promote it.



4.       Write anything


Literally. Just write anything. Romanticize life in your own way. Literature is a loooooooong shot. Shoot wherever and I’m sure it gets your points. Just write about anything in your life. If not, watch a movie and write a review on it. Read a book, and write about your thoughts and feelings. Listen to a song, and write about how you would write it. Look at people, and write about their life from whatever you picked up with your exceptional “bird” watching skills. (Please don’t stalk). Write about YOUR life. Say what, it’s boring? It’s boring for YOU. Not for OTHERS. (Point 2). Write a diary, write about the best days of your life so far, write about the day you “woke up”, and write about the girl who sits right before you in class that seems so mysterious but is the sweetest person when you talked, write about love.

Remember, reading is the new aesthetic so writing is the cake to Marie Antoinette.



5.       Try changing place of work


I write before my computer, slouched. Most of the time, it does wonders (me writing, not me slouching). But sometimes, I mean only sometimes, I need to, like the internet says, “touch some grass”. So I change my place of work. I usually go upstairs, touch some concrete, walk a while, peep into people’s lives, look at the sunset in awe, watch the clouds float by, play with the kids, never touch the notepad I took with me, never write a single word, enjoy the 40 minutes I’m there, laugh, introspect about life, retrospect about memories, live.

Sometimes the writer’s block is for your own good. You need to get out of that damned cave of yours.

Remember you’ve got a life outside of this letters.



6.       Always carry a pen and book with you


Very very very important. In my previous poem, parasite, I mentioned about the “flashy ideas”, it goes,


Underdeveloped ideas

Brain with flashy ideas.

(Flash because they

Come and they go)


This is why. Though it may useless for 90% of the time (for ex. point 5), you can’t risk it for the 10%. I know we have mobiles and the ‘forbidden & locked-for-everyone’ notes app, but every time I unlock my phone to write an idea, I unlock its many useless tricks to distract me. I just never win. If you can win against them, don’t fight them. So I switched to paper, a non intelligence, 100% safe, most definitely not kill me alternative.

It’s actually better and it works. So ya, a tip.



7.      Try different writing styles


I was shook when I found out there are way soo many styles. Well of course yes, I had poems in my text but all of them were rhymed poems, poems that would end in a rhyme. I used to think poems were supposed to be like that, not gonna lie, I loved them. But when I reached high classes, I realized poems need not rhyme and also that they need not be short, 4 or 8 liners. They can be long; it depends on the topic and the size of content you’re trying to put out. It took me 20 months to change my writing styles. I have been writing rhyming poems only till few months back. When I finally discovered free verse and “not poems” kind of write-ups, I was, yet again, shook. I felt at ease writing like this. Not saying I was restricted in poems but when I want to sound more expressive and casual I would go with write-ups.

Again, it’s up to you; just don’t limit yourself to any one style. There is so much to learn guys. It is so exciting.



8.      Always save your work in more than one device


Please I’m begging you. I save it in my computer and then upload it to my drive and sync it. That sh1t is paying for my un-incurred hospital bills. I would honestly lose my mind if I ever lose them. So yes, always sync it. I used to write all my poems in a diary but then it felt like a waste of time because I saw no use for it. Because of that, I don’t know how many poems I have written till date. One day I will sit and go through all of that. Sometimes, I just want to print alllll my write-ups and store them in a folder. I need a printer.




9.       Ctrl+s for life


I LOVE the person who invented the option to save your work every now and then while working on it. I literally click on the Ctrl+s every 20 seconds or so because, let’s be honest, I don’t wanna risk it. It’s really scary. I wouldn’t remember what I wrote 5 seconds ago, let alone a whole half n hour ago. Love computers.



 .        Be your biggest fan

Apparently people forget this??? ALWAYS, be your biggest fan. LOVE YOUR WORK. It’s hard to find weirdoes for every post so, maybe, be your own weirdo. Read your stuff after you upload it from a different pov (obviously don’t let it count your views).



11   Accept the result and change


Sometimes, no, most of the times, the effort and result do not match in this field. In my case, I saw an inverse relationship between them in some situations. In some, it was pretty much proportional. Nonetheless the result, I put myself out here, let it be 100% or 50% or even 10%. I don’t really worry if I am getting a number of views or not. I only care about those people who read my work and actually wait for it. There might be less than 10. But they mean a lot to me. So whatever may the result be, from others, I accept it. If I think the change is very much needed, I would implement some new things or else no.


I created this blog to be my authentic self; I wanted to showcase my work, me, out there. 2 years ago, I thought I was ready for another set of eyes to witness my work. I was not, I am still not. But I wanted to do it, and I still do. I am doing this because I want to do it. I wish to stay and show my true self here in this platform that I created for myself. Y’all might be strangers to me but the person on the stage is not. And I love that. Getting out of my comfort zone and maybe a little validation was and is all I needed.


And of course you were an added bonus. I love you. I truly do (if you’re reading my blog every time I post). Wait it is like, I love you but conditions apply. That’s pretty toxic. Scratch that, I just love you for being here.



Thank you again for all yoru love. Have a great july and rest of the year.


Thank you.


(There is no ~the end~ because this will not end.)





¹The best one: Natural disasters

[It’s called natural disasters and it’s the best title to it, and the poem does justice to it so well. No more spoilers just read it lmk!!!]

²The ??? One:

[It’s called ducks and honestly, it’s a really weird poem I wrote when I asked a friend for prompt.]

³Promote for the weirdoes out there; link:

Poem that I quoted in point 6:

philosophical review:




I love you,







TDD- ten day diary

What if I told you that I lost track of time and forgot to post this on 20th? Haha you won’t believe me right? It’s like I jinxed myself with the consistency point.

My college is getting hectic by day. What did I expect when I chose the toughest career hahahahaha (laughin in pain)

Oh I also got the highest in my school in 12th!!! Lezzgooo


 oh i also watched the office, again. i literally watched all 9 seasons of the greatest sitcom ever twice. its THE best thing i ever watched. its fair to say that i liked this better than b99.




Anyways, have a greaatttt weekend~!!!!!






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