what's the worst thing that could happen?


When people say “what’s the worst thing that can happen” before doing the most diabolical stunt in their life, my mind just wanders in the grey area of life.

Trail Of Thoughts - 34

Let me explain. When I started this blog, my first thought was “Omg lezgoo ahhh” and second was, “what’s the worst possibility”. The answer to that question was “no one would read it lol”. That initially gave me a boost to posting anything I want and I still equip that in the back of my mind before I click on ‘publish’. 

Today, I realized I wasn’t thinking of the worst possible consequence, but rather “a” consequence that could be both a win and a loss for me. I don’t think my mind wrapped around that saying properly.

Now that I am older and wiser, I think the worst thing that could happen when blogging is the following:

This might end up on some wrong person’s feed somehow; they read it and interpret it in the wrong way. And not stop there. He (suppose) not only hates it but makes it his whole purpose of life to hate ME. He would then proceed to start a YouTube channel just to diss me. He would read all my posts and somehow none of them click (?) and now all that knowledge gives him an advantage to shoot some customized burns at me. He would then with minimal effort find my YouTube channel and post horrifying comments on them. After that he would go through my instagram page and reply on every single posts (there are 100+) terrifying comments. When he finally catches my attention, it would just fuel his rage over a random teenager’s long lost, humble attempt at content creation. He would destroy my social life and any other kind of life I still have in my grip. 

He can go to the lengths of getting aliens to abduct me from the face of earth and erase my memory off of anyone who has ever known me in my entire life ensuring I completely vanish from the planet earth, not just in physical form but also spiritually. 

This is the worst possible thing that could happen.

So tell me, if I thought of THE worst thing that could happen before starting this blog, do you still think I’d be here?

The moral of the story is to not think about anything before starting something you love. At the end of the day, no one remembers anything about anyone except themselves. We are all selfish and I think we should embrace that. Even though the word gives off negative connotation, I think it’s best for our own mental health we stay grey.

~the end~

the last sentence where i said "best if we stay grey" is pun intended. i recently saw eenadu aadhivaram edition (sunday magazine) and the cover page really stuck out to me. it read "balyam... yevvanam.... malli yevvanam!" it literally translates to "childhood, youth.... youth again!". 
so naturally my mind diverts to the beauty standards, ever changing might i add. did you know that the female body has very many trends starting from the early 1900s, or worse, earlier? everything we see online is a fragment and it will soon vanish once a new trend starts. i see the reels of people trying their HARD to "stay" young. i guess that mentality about something physical never got into their 'mental'. 

when i see that kind of content, i wish to grow old and have the wrinkliest face because each wrinkle tells a story where i was happy and laughing. to add to that, i wish to be the sweetest grey haired grandma who bakes cakes, makes traditional dishes, gets angry when necessary, tries to maintain her health and lives a long life. 
so ya, stay grey.

with love,

TDD: ten day diary
only continue scrolling if you like pretty pictures 🤭🤭

this is just so geometrically satisfying, i cant explain it better than this.

this too!! i love maths and nature

this is called the gateway to anime
its giving 'your name'

and the last one is my most favourite!!! 
its a rose from children colouring book that i coloured with eyeshadow!!

i hoped you liked these pictures!!

my past 10 days have been awesome!!
i loved it.

i met my childhood best friend after what felt like a million years!! i get why they're called bestfriends because you just click with them without any worry. loved the whole day!! ate well, walked a lot, took a bunch of pics!! 
shall i post some here next time?
lmk in the comments!!
and tell me what's your favourite way to take a getaway with friends when you're feeling low.

i have been watching Desperate Housewives for a while now, im in season 3. it is so good, addicting might i add.

ok byeee!!
much love from me.


  1. Awesome one btw post your pictures

    1. thank you! and wdym i literally posted it, the rose is me, disguised ofc

  2. the fact that I always tend to think whether I'll be able to handle the worst that will happen to me is so real

  3. Start posting yourself pretty mf 🤡🔪

    1. the fact that you called me pretty is assuring enough 🤭🤭🤭

  4. Even thou such worst things happen you can come over them with ur intell. So nvm …..so the audience are awaiting for your pervious him or her story continuation….

    1. omg yall didnt forget it???
      (fine ill do what i can 🤭🤭🤭)


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