puella aeterna

I just watched this video titled, ‘The Psychology of the Man-Child (Puer Aeternus)’ by ‘Eternalised’ and this is everything that went in my mind after watching it.

Trail Of Thoughts - 14
It’s about people who don’t live life but live in their imaginary reality rather than the real one. They build air castles but do not act upon it. They are lazy and have tasks in their to-do list but don’t work which eventually makes them unsuccessful despite their talents and creativity. I describe that person in the video as a pessimist who does as little as work physically for the future in the reality but more mentally in the future of ‘his’ reality.
It is also about not using your creativity in the right way. It’s about living the life the child in you wants or wanted. It’s not just about rationality but to live with others and not just in your mind. It’s about living with others, humans, people and at the same time making sure you don’t get lost in them, with them. Have individuality but don’t make that your whole personality.
Live your life and only then can you be happy in reality and not just the one in your imagination.
Living your life means balancing your imagination and the reality you’re standing in. The floating and standing should be balanced in order to fly or living high. (Floating: dreaming, imagination; standing: reality; flying, living high: being successful)
I loved all the metaphors used to convey the topic. This is on top of my list;
Comparison of the human life with the sun.
“The sun rises and we begin the day (birth); the sun rises in the sky (we grow from infancy to youth to young adulthood); the sun comes to the zenith at noontime (mid-life, the peak of our abilities, vigour and, if we have been on right path, career success); then the sun begins to lose its altitude (we begin to age), until it finally sets (we die).”
One more thing about the video I really liked is that, wanting the right career and worrying about choosing the right one is not necessary. What is necessary is that nonetheless the choice, you need to immerse yourself into the workforce. But not too much as you can lose yourself in doing so. The fear of not being happy in your adulthood and the wrong career choice being the main reason should not stop you from doing anything at all.
This reminds me of a poem in my text titled ‘keeping quiet’. Though the lessons taught in both of them are very different, the part where the poet says that it is necessary for all of us to be quiet for a while in our noisy lives but at the same time it should not be confused with total inactivity. Somehow these concepts connect the distant dots in my mind.
Everyone needs to do something and the fear of not doing the ‘right thing’ shouldn’t make them ultimately do nothing.
(Maybe I’m wrong and both of them are so different they cannot be connected but I just wanted to tell you what was on my mind. maybe this is how my brain works, connecting dots and moving forward. finding relations/ connections between/among all things I do (feel, perceive, think) and with everyone I meet.)
As someone who is mildly in the present and more in the ‘what I can do’ rather than ‘what I should do’, I very much relate to the subject they described. Someone with high expectations but little to no execution. I feel very much scared that i might not fully execute my imaginary reality into the cruel harsh reality. Im scared of losing my creativity, my individuality, my personality and mainly, I’m scared of losing myself.
Stepping into the adult life is a risk that has become non mandatory for some by (maybe) looking at it as a bad harsh thing. Maybe it’s just another phase of life and maybe happiness can be found in the dried desert when found a tree.
I love all the metaphors, expressions used in the video which are just taken out from various numbers of books, movies, articles, auto biographies. Acquiring the amount of knowledge as the one who wrote the script of the video is a skill i would once like to inculcate.
But what is knowledge if not used but a mere photograph on the wall, a show of beauty?
To be able to live laugh and love seemed real cringe to me but now that I think of it, why did we come to be alive if not to live?
~The End~
Well that’s that. Special thanks to my brother for making me watch it. Hope he recommends me more philosophical and mind challenging, complicated videos in the future. More and I would block him. I'm leaving the link down below if you’re interested, there’s more to the video than I described. It’s better if you just watch the video rather than base your thoughts according to mine. So ya go and watch it if you like this post!
And please do send me any similar videos if you have the habit of pondering about existence. This is a form of stress buster for me.

TDD: heyyy! my last week has been kind of like a roller-coaster ride (I always say this). anyways, I had exams and they are done!! it was cray-cray. 
I'm watching the office for a while now and I'm in season 7 now. there are only 9. :( 
it's going to be a teary farewell yet again. I have cried like 5 times. its so wholesome. just so wholesome. and I absolutely LOVE the series. its really good. 
oh and also I'm very proud of my mom. she actually managed to carry a wrapper with her until she found a dustbin. that was quite teary.
that is it for today! find you in the next one <3
love you,


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