Spotify wrapped

Trail Of Thoughts- 15

These days I’ve been listening to particular songs on repeat for hours together. It’s like I don’t want to change and stay on loop. Well change is inevitable anyways, so why change something I can control.
That worried me a bit. Am I not adjusting to change?  Is this a kind of escape I so want? Or am I just reading too much into a simple song I love. Just as I was thinking about how I may not be suitable to this ever changing world, Spotify released its ‘Spotify Wrapped’.
It was quite exciting to be honest, to have a sneak peek of my music journey in this speed of light year. Can we just stop and take a deep breath and realize its December already? I’m not going to try to be cliché and say stuff like “it was just yesterday I remember cutting the cake that had ‘happy new year 2022’ on it and that dramatic sign that read ‘bye bye 2021, welcome 2022’” but hear me out. I joined 12th class this year march. And I had my summer vacay for a lovely 50 days and I had monthly tests from July. Thinking about it, I have come to realize how near yet far every memory seems. (Yes i'm being cliché but who can stop me >:) it’s my blog, my rulez).
Ok back to Spotify. The best ever feature of Spotify among all its others is this recap. It’s beautiful, simply put. As someone with a regular attendance with the app I was super excited to see the results. As I was watching it, one line truly stuck out to me. There was a brief on me and my music journey, like my music personality. It read, “The Adventurer; you’re a seeker of sound. You venture out into the unknown, searching for fresher artists, deeper cuts, newer tracks- especially gems yet to be found.”
“ENVU- Exploration· Newness· Variety· Uniqueness”
That took me by surprise. I was told I was an explorer when I felt like a hobbit. That was quite an irony.
You probably get where I’m getting to. The fact that I was exploring new genre of music while stressing about listening to just one song made me feel different emotions. Maybe life is the same. We are all changing and at some point we want everything we control to be constant. That may or may not be an act of escape.
Referring to a story from my English text; the main character never really knew he was trying to escape the modern world because he never thought of his hobby of stamp collection in that way. The day he was teleported (or sent back) to the past, was when he was told that maybe his hobby of past collection and pondering about life in the past lead to him being sent to the past as an act of escape from the present (modern world). There is this 5 marks question that is most guaranteed to come in the exam from this text that goes, “the modern world is full of fear, insecurities, stress and wars. What are the ways in which we try to combat them?” I’ll come back to this.
Just because I don’t like how certain thing happens doesn't mean I’m trying to avoid it or escape it (maybe I do). But I guarantee it’s not the same with everything. Sometimes I want to escape an exam or test but it’s not like avoiding it would make me feel better and there are no consequences. Oh and avoiding a problem doesn’t always come with more worries because sometimes avoiding is the only or one of the solutions.
This is confusing. Let me clear it.
All I want to say is that we have a looooong way and it’s for the best if we stop, take a long breath and look back at us. I mean the 2022 you. Don’t think about anything, just look at yourself, look at how things were before, look how you created some of the best memories yet, look how happy you were. Now look at yourself now. I'm not going to say anything more. As I said, “If we actually try to look, there is a lot to see”.
Back to the question, are we all desperately trying to avoid change? Or are we just very resistant to change? Or are we just lazy to do anything? Depends.
We are all humans, after all.
~The End~
I noticed I have been referring to my text often these days. It makes me feel smart so stfu. Something about this post seems off to me and I can’t quite figure out what.
Hope you get through this post with no doubts and confusion :’)
I welcome any questions. ;) Just comment and I’ll reply!

TDD-  Helloww. I had so much fun in the last 10 days. We had sports day competition and my house won the cup!!! Ya suck on it losers.

Anyways, the other side of the coin showed up a bit too quick tbh, I’m scared. Super super scared, about every freaking thing. Future, life, exams, social life. Every little thing. I am so burnt out, I just wanna be unalive.

You know I could just delete all of this and lie that I’m fine but I know a lot of my mates are feeling the same so this is for them. We are all in this together. Let’s have fun being depressed.


Okie bouyee




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