an assignment lol

Hello everyone. Oh it’s actually an assignment lol. Not a poem about assignments. JUST an assignment haha.
This is a new concept I thought of the other day. In this, I write about incidents that happened to me which I find super fun, embarrassed or angry. So, on short note, these are stories your grandma rini is going to tell you (lmao). I guarantee you that you’d like it. Though my life can be really boring sometimes, I make the best of it :P so yea lets get into it.

Sto-rini -1

One day, as usual, I went to college and a mam comes in telling us to take the post cards she is distributing to do the “work”. And yes, I, the main character of the ‘story’, wasn’t aware of it. So apparently we were supposed to write an essay about a given topic in about 40 words *at home* and write it in a post card *in class*.
So the mam comes and says something to a girl and she goes on writing something on the board, supposedly the topic. 

"Unsung heroes of the freedom struggle
My vision of India in 2047"
I am purely confused at this point. I ask my friend sitting beside me if she knows that. Guess what, she does. She even brought the essay written *at home* so she can write it *in class* now. She wrote a few lines as introduction, a few names, bit of information about them and finally a conclusion. And I was going crazy. The mam looked at my side and gestured to take one, as the people pleaser I am, I accepted the little yellow card. Oh you think its over and she left the class? NO. I even exchanged the card because the print was not good. UMM WHAT. First of all I don’t even have a freaking idea about what to do BUT I need a perfect card to write NOTHING.
I took the card and sat in my place. I decided to write somethi- ANYTHING at this point. So as the “poet” I am, I decided to write a poem. “but Rini, they asked to write an essay”. I forgot that part. To be honest I didn’t even care, I just had to fill this paper and end of the story. So I wrote this badass poem in under FIVE MINUTES. You know what that is??? “TALENT” I would like to call it B)
Sooo finally the most awaited time has come, ladies and gentlemen and others, I present to you, THE POEM.
There were fighters so many
But known to us a few many.
They didn't care to know.
But did we even try though?
There were scars inside and out,
Too many to point out.
They died; so we could survive.
But we don't care to live a long life.
The patriotism didn't pass down fully.
But the mental scars sure did.
They took 200 years to be free.
So is another 100 enough
For us to be what we were
Back Then? So brave and tough.
The vision of India shouldn't be
Just about economy and money,
But the development of lives
Of the people inside.
{they- freedom fighters. We- us}
 Soo??? I know its really good B)
[NOTE: I forgot to mention that I didn’t note the poem down in my book after writing it. I just submitted it like I have this computer brain wtf. But I apparently don’t have short term memory loss. If not, we wouldn’t be here. I wrote whatever I could remember and I'm pretty sure this is it.]
Don’t think that the story’s over. A story never ends without a twist. So if you can see, I wrote about “the unsung heroes of the freedom struggle and my vision of India in 2047”. But apparently they were two different topics. I bet any 10 year old could’ve got that. But my a5s didn’t. Halfway through, my friend gave a gentle reminder that we should write about either of the two topics. It was more like a question.  And I was like, “two???” Yeah, it got awkward. I sighed heavily and continued anyways without giving a f to change it. f= effort hah lol, what did you think? *eye roll emoji*
I wrote my name at the bottom and wrote ‘original’ in brackets beside it. (my friend gave me this weird look that said “you’re crazy” written all over her face) But I had to! You know? They would probably think it was plagiarized. Ugh.

Okay but I think I have to let you guys know about the card we’re talking about. It’s a rectangular yellow paper (itz thicc), with already printed address to the PM of India and space for us to write our names and other few details on one side. Its blank on the other side where we have to write the matter. I wrote my poem vertically while everyone wrote their “essays” horizontally. My friends scared me that I should be writing horizontally *only*. Well there isn’t much that can be done here, is there? And yet again, I didn’t give an f (effort lol) and submitted anyway.
Well that was it. I submitted my poem and my “assignment” was done ;)
Hope you guys liked this story. Lemme know if you like this concept. We are going to call it “Sto-rini”. B)

I hope my life’s interesting because only then can I share it with y’all. I don’t want you guys to read some sappy stories lol. Anyways bye!

Anyways, if you guys noticed, this is our 20th post!! How cool is that?? Answer: VERY COOL <3 :D



(TDD:- the last ten days have been quite a calm phase. Almost made me think about the proverb 'calm before the storm'. Hopefully no. First of all, happyyy sankranti!! It was quite a festival. I, rini, suggested we go to different temples. To take pictures lol. Because I looked reallyy prettyy. [Many said that :P] Then i met with my relatives and it was so fun!! I thought that my connection with my cousins would be very weak and it'd be difficult to reconnect but it turns out it's strong as ever! The fun lasted while it did and now we're back to college life. im going to have exams from 22nd and exams suck. I'm not really scared about it but its my first descriptive exam in a while so that worries me a bit. Let's hope for the best! ig my exams will be done by the next post.
aight then, bye!)



  1. You remembered an entire poem after so long time, and here I am still trying to figure out what was the title of the last poem I wrote ( *laughing emoji* )

    1. *awkward smile* thanks i guess, tbh i impressed myself :D


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