I Like My Stars

 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! 

Starting the year with a positive poem! 

It’s been a few years
Since I’ve really felt this
Feels like a few days
But so far away
I never thought I’d feel this again
After all the things I faced
To get here
It’s like a dream
I’m gonna be honest with y’all
And with myself
I hated my body
And everything about me
In movies their lives change
Because of someone
But as for me, I’ve saved
Myself and I’m my someone.

Years passed by
With me hating my
Everything just because of
Someone I saw in a mall.
I’d never live that life again
I'm happy with my progress
I’m happy with what I got
I’m happy just the way I am
Trust me when I say
I never thought I’d come all this way
In just a couple of years
Because it was just a dream
I may not be perfect
But I'm happy
Isn’t that superior?
Well I think it is
I still have my flaws
I'm trying to be better
My insecurities still crawl
Up when I'm feeling better
I'm scared of what people think
When it really shouldn’t affect me
All of these would be in me
Even though I hate them really.
I hate to admit it
But I can’t keep hiding it.
Listening to songs that suggest
Rewriting our stars
In a more beautiful way
Isn’t something I want.
I like my stars
They show me how I am
Those beings so far
They define who I am
And I like myself
Well isn’t that the best?
Still working on the ‘love’ part
But I'm sure I’ll get there one day
Can’t rush stuff like heart
Cuz slow and steady wins the race.

~The End~

I noticed that the poems I posted about myself are all just sad and depressing which can be misunderstood in thinking that I am a very sad person but the reality's not too far. I'm a energetic person and probably happy too. But I'm sure I'm not gloomy all the time. I was, once. But now I got better. After two years of struggle, I can say I'm happier than before. My story may not be very motivational but it is for me. I got better and that's thanks to me. i just want to say that if you are depressed or don't really know what you're feeling, I'm sorry. Just don't give up or accept it like its your 'fate'. (i may sound foolish but that's what helped me so i hope it helps you too) 
Like I said in my poem, 

"But as for me, I’ve saved
Myself and I’m my someone."

Try to be your someone. Don't wait for someone to change your life. I mean, it's your life! 

Aight, I sound like a mom and I don't like that. so let's end this here eh? 



(TDD time! Well my first day wasn't so good. The first monday of the year proved how bad it can be. BUTT, tuesday was awesome! Remember the anthology i told you about? It finally came!! What happens next was cray-cray. A lot of people asked me about the poem and i just forwarded the link to my blog lol. I grateful to y'all. (If you're still here, that is.) But still, you did check out my blog and i thank you for that! <3 (I'm bad with compliments and the 'thank you's that follow.) I went out with a friend of mine. Though the place we chose was boring we made it interesting xD. And btw I'm vaccinated now! (Partially) my arm hurt a lot and nothing much. Hope you're all vaccinated, stay safe and take care! 


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