maybe just maybe


I hope you don’t fall in love
With another person,
Until you stop mourning
About that one person.
A masked face on the outside
Still loving that one girl deep inside
I don’t think the present will love it
If you keep living in the past.
Maybe just maybe
Have you given a thought,
Of how she might’ve forgotten you
The day you guys bid goodbye,
The day you were sure
Would be the last day
Her eyes would meet yours?
Maybe just maybe,
Have you given a thought
Of how the people you now spend time with
Are a part of your life,
While you still mourn the void
That can be filled by only her?
Maybe just maybe
Did you happen to think
If you deserve more than
A forgotten love?
Maybe just maybe
You deserve love
That’s looking at you
Right now
While you still search for hers.
Maybe just maybe
You’re still blind
And the love you thought eternal
Has lost its spark
Yet you still look for it.
Maybe just maybe
You could stop living in the past,
You could stop loving the same person,
You could resume your life after the goodbye,
You could colour your present,
A different colour
Maybe just maybe
You can finally break free the cage
And realize
You are loveable
And start loving yourself.
When people say,
True love always stays,
My mind says
“Only the love that stays,
And not stains,
Stays in your heart.”
When you have that fleeting feeling that she will be back one day, remember that you don’t deserve a maybe. Love is more than just a maybe.
~The end~
Hiii, it has been some time since I tried to rhyme. Writer’s block is something.
I was reading my friend’s collection of poems and as I read the first one, I had too much to say and decided to write it up like any sane person. Only it surprised me after I did it.
This poem is about the concept of “being hung up on someone”. We see a lot of this plot in the movies and television. And might I add, in real life too. It may not be just about a person but the kind of person you yourself used to be. Dwelling on past, as they put it. I am not a big fan of it. No one is.
When I think of the question, “If you could access time travel, would you be willing to go to the past and change anything?” My answer would always be no. This seems like a post for another day.
The poem I read really struck a chord for me (no, it’s not A minor). It’s called “Nocturnal Memories” by Datta Praneeth. I loved his collection of 7 poems, even imagined a YouTube commentary while I read it. It deserves a lot of love.
I have a little bonus poem on the point of view of the girl, in the above poem.
Maybe just maybe
You’ll love someone other than me
Maybe just maybe
You’ll let go of my memories.
Maybe just maybe
You’ll learn what love is
And you realize
I haven't been that lovely, lately.
You deserve more than me
You deserve the love from you
Not the "maybe love" from me
But the definite kind
Like the sun rises in the east
Like the North Star is always in the north
Like the waves attracted to the moon
Like the science backed up by proof.
I hope you guys loved the poem <3
Hopefully i'm in your emails now!! If you don’t know what im talking about, I spread my wings and reached Substack. Substack has the newsletter facility. Meaning all my posts will be sent to your emails now <333 heeeheee
It’s better than me poking at you, right?
See you guys next time <33
Until then
Take care.
TDD: ten day diary
Well well well, my exams are completed. Time for the next wave to hit us. The wave will reach me by the end of the month.
I had a great time.
I love you


  1. Maybe just maybe,
    My words fail to compile your beauty,
    Such is your grammar which denies access to me ......

    1. Stop ?...Yes I will....when I'll learn your language whcih has forsaken it's origin....

    2. wow. 😭😭😭😭

  2. This was such a bittersweet poem. But I loved it soo much. Idk how else to describe it but I just love the way you wrote this. And the poem from the girls pov is just a cherry on the top. Lovely work


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