growing too fast

 Am I the only one?
Or does anyone think
That time is moving really fast right now?
Just one more year and
My school life ends
Everything is rushing
Everyone is rushing
To finish their lives
I wonder if I’m even keeping up with the pace
Or am I even walking in this race?       
I feel like i'm growing too fast
The wind is pushing me back
The race seems to come to an end
Before I even start
It scares me to think
How people are like
It scares me to think
How I can survive
I’m scared of my life ahead
And I can’t seem to
Live my life now
The present seems to be in the past
While I keep looking at the map
Showing how far behind I am
And how fast I need to run
I need to catch up
With people
And their expectations
And the standards in the clouds
I feel like I’m growing too fast
My childhoods gonna end
I have to stop having fun
I’m gonna lose all my friends
I’m scared of the life before me
I can’t focus on the present
The tunnel seems so long
What if there’s no light at the end?
I’m scared of growing up
And realize how wrong I was
Of the world I dreamt of
When I was younger and happier
I am scared of growing too fast
And realize how I never lived once
I’m scared of growing too old
And realize I was never young and bold
I’m scared of leaving my home
And realize how a house can be so cold
I’m scared of growing and
Forgetting all my friends
I’m scared of growing up
And never actually climb up
I’m scared of growing old too fast and
Never really have fun.
I’m scared of growing
And losing what makes me me.
I’m scared of not leaving a mark
And dying without a bookmark,
~The End~
What if I die without anyone knowing who I truly am, like an unopened book which now has no role in the world, so it’s left unopened, undiscovered and unknown? It’s not like I don’t want to grow, it’s just that I feel like I’m growing too fast (well you probably got that from the poem).
I wrote this poem after a discussion with friends about careers and future plans. I was so stressed out when they stated out their plans about universities, courses and the next plans. I on the other hand, was sitting there without saying a word and was internally stressing so much because even though I knew what I wanted to become, I wasn’t sure of how. That scared me so much.
I got home and told my mom about this, she was really chill about it saying, “there’s still time, I will let you know when to start stressing out, so just stop thinking about it and focus on your studies”. this partially did the deed but I needed more, so we had a talk with a cousin about this and I was calm only after she said “there’s still time”.
Life is getting scarier as I move forward. “Is it worth it?” is what i'm being asked all the time. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. It’s a matter of time to find out which one it will be.


TDD- the last ten days practically flew. The last time I looked at the calendar, it was 3rd of august and now it’s 9th Aug like wtf. I am basically drowning in work, I’ve got so much on my plate and i’m already full with the first bite (no, i'm not some kinda pick me girl, leave me alone). so yea i kinda lost track of what happened. 
I'm presenting a speech on independence day with an original poem i wrote ages ago. im kinda excited that I'm presenting my poem ahhhh!! now i need to by-heart the speech (~500 words) and i'll be done.
hope you have a great 10 day unlike me. 
love youu,


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