you're my muse


 You make me wanna write all the love songs in the world
You make me wanna learn how to dance to slow songs
You make me want to learn how to bake
And maybe bake us a love cake one day
You are my muse for my poems
You make me want to write
You help me from writer’s block
You make me wanna click pictures of the sky
I be looking at the blue, cloudy sky
And wonder what you are doing
Under the heavenly blanket
Of gases and vapours perfectly set
Above our heads.
I be looking at the children around me
And wonder what how you are doing
If you’re happy to be with me
I be looking at the chirping birds
And wonder if you’re enjoying
Your time with me
You’re my muse
You make me want to feel
How it is to love you
And how it feels to be loved by you.
I be looking at the Easter eggs
Nature provides
Like those little heart leaves;
Like those little heart rocks;
Like those little heart puddles;
Like those little heart clouds.
I be looking at them
And wonder how much they remind me of you.
All those tasks in my to do list
But the only thing I tick is
The one that goes,
‘Think about my home’.
You’re my muse
You make me wanna write cute songs
Which only you get to listen to
Which only I would sing, for you.
You are my muse
With you
I’m always smiling
And fiddling
And blushing
And falling
For you.

~The End~

so i'm still suffering from the incurable disease, 'writer's block'. this thing has more adhesive than gorilla glue and more love than my best friend (yes, i'm leaving you for my arch-nemesis). 
i hope you like this cute filler i used for today's post. im sorry if this feels effortless, it was not effortless though. 
so yea, i have nothing much to say. thank you 

TDD- the last ten days have been fun!! (sarcasm)
i had exams.

well that should cover up the most of it. it was also my best friend's birthday and one more is today. hope she gets me cake. 
my relatives celebrated house warming ceremony and i get to display my extremely awesome, cool, amazing, fantastic photographing skills i learnt from no where. the pics were trash. anyways,- it was fun. taking a part of a lovely memory and storing it in my memory card- i mean heart of course (if i have one; my friends believe im a computer and i honestly do too.)  
my fam is now re-united. so happy. feeling good, like i should (reference)
i even got marks for my economic test (40/40) B)
maths was trash; not the subject, the marks i mean. (35/40) and it was silly mistakes. i dont like.

im wondering if i should do a re-introduction post, since its been a while and i have a fairly new audience to entertain and remember me. 

ok bye,
love you.


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