new girl


Sto-rini- 14

It was back in 2019; I was studying 9th. The academic year had just begun and we were all breathing the air of relief because of the 8th class storm. We had public exams in 8th, our first exposure to outside correction and the new type of stress due to pressure.


9th class was our step to freedom after the battle. As storm passed, calmness spread. Little did I know, it was the sign for yet another storm that was to come, but this time it was coming for me.


"A new student has joined in 9th A", announced my class teacher, we got excited. I still remember that day, crystal clear. She waddled in, shy and sat behind me. On her first day, we swarmed around her introducing ourselves. I remember my first words to her, "Nice to meet you. My name is Rini".


We shook hands. It wasn't firm, she was rather weak. She was slim. Not too thin, not too fat. Just the right type. She had a fair complexion, clear skin, thick hair, smooth hands, beautiful face, good figure, pretty voice and in one word, "perfect". She looked perfect, like the main character in a love drama.


I pulled a classic Rini and cracked a joke. Everyone laughed and she did too. And of course yes, she had a pretty laugh.


Like the extrovert I was, I wanted to befriend her. After a few conversations with her, I liked her personality as well. We really hit it off. We were just straight off vibing. We had similar interests and similar tastes. As much as I loved her company, she loved mine too. It was a two-way admiration. We stuck around. Just talking with each-other, being with each-other, almost the whole day for many days.


I really liked her company, maybe even loved it. I never had a friend I felt equal to. It's always “best friends complete each-other, it’s a circle". But never, "best friends are alike and they're parallel lines who go on for an eternity just together". Or even intersecting lines because the concept of parallel lines never meeting is quite depressing.

[I also read that they meet in some dimension but that's a thought for another day.]


As I was saying, we were so similar to each-other. We would have the same thought at the same time and that was everything. I never felt that spark before. Just looking into the eyes of a person and knowing exactly what they’re about to say and then saying it together on the beat, LOVE. We both liked reading. She read tonnes of books, I read tonnes of comics. We were both into writing. In fact, we wanted to write a novel together. About our high-school life. We had an outline drafted too. It’s so good.


I still remember what she wrote in my slam book. It goes, "Anybody can look at you, but finding someone who sees the world the way you see it is rare. And I found that someone in you." That melted my heart. Still my favourite compliment to this day. This just explains how similar we were and how we loved that about us.


It was in November;

Time came for our annual day celebrations; it’s been 3 years since the last one. Everyone was so excited to bunk the classes and always have a reasonable excuse to be out of the class. Of course we were all prepping hard.

She and I could just be together with each-other for the whole day and no one would lift a finger because we went in as a pair for anchoring [kind of like introducers] in one of the groups. If we were to anchor together, we could just chill around and act busy. We absolutely LOVED that. Anchoring has been my dream for a while. And when I finally got to do in front of many many people WITH a friend I really liked, I jumped at the opportunity. 


Though there was a chance we won’t be doing it together, we didn’t give up. We literally had that "fight for your dreams" plot in our high school life. I’m glad it was with her, we just love these types of cliches. It was as intense as they describe it and the classic “together we can do anything” was also applied. Reading about is way different from actually experiencing it. I should say, it’s no way near reading at your own comfort zone. It was a battle in the social grounds.


In the end, we bagged the opportunity and absolutely killed it. My favourite day of 9th. I got the merit memento, my parents were super proud of me. It was the day of my dreams. We did good at the anchoring as well. Everything went well, had so much fun, of course.


Life was awesome.


After all these years, one thought still echoes in my mind; "I wish I had never met her."



~The End~

a cliched ending? well, cry me a river, life is full of cliches. and this is the one of the biggest cliches of my short life. 

i hope you like this one. oh the extents i go to write you guys a post. i had to dive into my trauma, most of which i forgot (considering my vast memory). trauma blockage? is that what it is or am i exaggerating it like all the poets do? poets lie.

anyways, have the loveliest weekend and DRINK WATER!!! 

i love you,


TDD- ten day diary

writing is the best escape for me. i love writing. never appreciated writing this much tbh. i love you guys. if it weren't for you, i wouldn't be sitting here before a box of wires typing on keys. so thank you so much, though there isn't many of you. 

i love you. and your mom.

anyways, my 10 days have been pretty rough. im learning my ways in public transport, all the tricks and plans. im still researching and on the stage of experimenting and possibly failing. you tell me, is coming 15 min late because you value comfort more than speed, a failure? hahahaha. it is not. stfu.

anyways have a great weekend. if you're bored and wasting your time on reels or shorts or any other platforms, read my blog and waste your time here. at least this way, you are doing someone a deed. GET ME VIEWS AHH

ok bye,

love you.




  1. Brooooooooooooooooooo
    they're parallel lines who go on for an eternity just together🥺

  2. Wowiwoww oh my dog nak ardham kale

  3. anchoring with you is really a roller coster ride , we laugh , we enjoy , we comment and get commented together , though it was not for the annual day , but farewell anchoring with you is really not that bad (though for me a huge chaos),
    memories aside ...
    i really love reading the view of yours through your blogs , keep rising till you reach the sky which has no limit ^_^

    1. aw thank you. also farewell anchoring will always be on the top 3 moments of my life. yes it was very chaotic and ig thats what makes it crazier. <333


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