rubber hands

My eyes feel heavy, I can’t feel my body. I feel like I’m dying. I woke up not knowing how I even fell asleep. Was it even sleep I have woken up from? But first, why does my whole body ache like crazy? I can’t even open my fucking eyes. With all my might, I open them slightly. First thing I see is red coloured sand. Just sand everywhere, red precisely. Red mountains, red sky, red sandstorms, red ground, and red …… liquid? Is that blood? Am I bleeding?? I feel a metallic taste in my mouth. It is blood. I try lifting my hands and they’re painted bright red. I have been hurt badly. Don’t know how, don’t know when, and don’t know why.
Wait, why don’t I remember why or how? I don’t remember anything. Why is that? I go deep into my thoughts and suddenly a memory snaps. A car accident. There was a car accident. Trying to remember more things despite the severe headache and huge blood loss, I remember one more thing. I was with my boyfriend, Siddharth, in the very car that was in the accident. He was holding my hand while it happened. His hand on mine. It’s all coming back to me. We were on our way to the restaurant where we first met. Why? Why were we going there- “will you be the love of my life and marry me ____?” These words echo in my head. He proposed to me. Tears rolled down my cheek as I get a glimpse of his soft face before everything turned dark. I fell unconscious. But, what about him? Where is he? How is he? I can’t breathe?
I can’t. It’s hard. It’s getting difficult. I’m suffocating. I feel like I’m dying, again. Before I take my last breath and fall into unconsciousness, I see four people come running to me. They are wearing strange dresses and…….
OH AH OMG HA. I’m alive? I’m alive. I’m alive! I feel strangely alive even though I’m on the verge of dying and I know it. I can feel myself smiling. Then I remember those men. In strange suits. Those men. They brought me here. I take a quick scan around me. I’m alone. It is a medical facility. None like I have ever seen. So big, so different, so strangely hospital. It looks like a giant bubble hub with very few windows. There are several medical appliances but none that seem to be used on me, hopefully. It’s so strange for one bubble to have these many beds and tools. Even stranger that I’m the only one in this huge space. They laid me on a bed, and there is blood given to me. I don’t remember telling them my blood type. B positive, I say to myself. Be positive. I feel better but only for a moment. 
Those men enter the room with more people. There are tons of them. Surrounding me. I can’t think straight. I scream. Loud. I don’t understand what is happening. I’m scared. But for some reason I feel safer than before yet still scared by the changed environment. Change is scarier even though it’s for the best. 
Suddenly, someone in those space suits disturbs my train of thought with a cough. Wait, spacesuits? Yes!!! Space suits! That’s what they were. They were space suits. But, why? Before I fall deeper into my thoughts, that person starts talking like a recording machine.
“An asteroid hit earth two months ago that annihilated 30% of the human population. The accident not only affected human lives but the resources on earth. The world was dying, literally, more clearly and rapidly. The moment the asteroid hit the earth, the shockwaves that were released caused disturbances all around the world. Like accidents on roads, major industries getting destroyed, release of dangerous gasses in big amounts and so on. The damage became irreversible and unsustainable. There was no way humans could rebuild of what’s left in the deconstructed earth. It was nearly impossible. So the safe and the only option was to move the remaining / leftover population to-.”
“Mars”. So that’s where I am. That explains the red sand, the spacesuits and the strange environment. And this is a post-apocalyptic phase. I somehow survived. That felt strangely cool. 
But, Siddharth! Wait, what about him? How is he? Holding his hand in our car as death approached us shouldn’t be my last memory of him, I can’t accept his disappearance just yet. This time it’s not just tears- I bawl my heart out. What am I ever gonna do without him? He held my hand as we were dying and never let go. He was- no he is the love of my life, till the end of eternity. He is my soulmate, my one and only. He is my love. I can’t imagine another day in this godforsaken place without him. I can’t stop crying. He was all that I had left. My everything. He is my everything. I can’t do it. 
As I was drowning in my depression, I noticed them all leave except one. That person stood in front of me motionless, emotionless. Or that’s all I could see. A big round helmet covering what’s actually going on. I look at them tearful and ask, “Do you know where my boyfriend, Siddharth, is? Do you know how he is?” My voice was breaking; I could not get the last question out. “Is he alive?” 
As my dried out eyes squeeze out one last tear out of my dehydrated body, that person rushes next to me, rather swishy. They place their hand on mine, gently. Just like Siddharth did in the car right before we were about to die. That gentle hold, light squeeze assuring me all is fine, the hold better than a kiss on the lips. 
That’s when I knew it: “Siddharth!!” I scream and fall onto him. I cried even louder but this time it was a cry of joy. He took off his helmet. His face, now burnt, with the same old soft smile. Gentle beautiful smile and I know everything will be just fine. 
But, who knew a hand of rubber would give me this much joy?

~The End~

sooo what do you think of this one? a friend gave me the story plot and asked me to knit the yarn. i think i did a good job!! i love this <333 [they gave the story line; my job was to elaborate it and i added deets hehe]

the person who gave me the story line is a director cum storywriter cum cinematographer and i can go on. his name is Gopi krishna and you can find him on instagram and youtube. he has contributed to and made awesome freaking short films. so intellectual and probably the change needed in telugu industry. i personally love his works and i'm sure you will fall in love with his art once you check them out!!
link to his instagram:
link to his youtube:

this story gets emotional at the end and i love writing love-emotional stuff. also i loved the scifi part in the story. initially when i read his prompt, i didn't expect the love part to come up.  but i think love led to a fruitful conclusion for this story.  

please leave your feedback in the comments down below!!! 

have fun reading!!


TDD- ten day diary

I know I have been saying this for so long on my instagram page but that’s the truth and i just wanted to be transparent and close to you guys. The thing is I have been sick for 5 days now. It has not been easy. Some times I just wanted to be gone and that made me think how health is an important part of our life. Being sick makes you appreciate the littlest things, like breathing freely, moving freely, talking without coughing, waking up feeling good, and many more.

While I was left appreciating and hating stuff, another part of my life wasn’t receiving any attention, the studying part. I have already joined a coaching centre while my other friends are chilling. Why do I choose the worst of all options, every time?

I have no choice but to go for it. Making a decision is easier than maintaining that decision. Im on the tougher part of it with my ailing health. Fun. 

anyways don't be bummed by me. i will be doing fine by the next time you hear from me, in this blog.

until then, take care. drink water, eat your food, sleep well.

most importantly, don't be like me.

i love you



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