
  I'm naturally a speaker
Someone who speaks a lot
That they deserve a podcast
And yearns to have a YouTube channel
With just them spe
All day, all night long
An extrovert
With love for their voice
A terrible singer
With an awesome music taste
A funny person
With humour so dark
And finally a loud one
With too many jokes on board
The catch?
It’s you
But with you, I want to be a listener
I want to listen to you speak
You don’t talk a lot
But when you do
I just want to stare at you
With love in my eyes
I may not be the best listener in the world
I’m not used to keeping my mouth shut for long
But for you, I’ll try to be even good
And always trying to be better
I could easily spend hours
Just with you
And talking with you
And listening to you
I want you to be talkative with me
And only me
And I’ll be your listener
And yours only

~The End~

i have a hard time listening to people. sometimes i'm afraid i might be turning into an introvert (kiddin). 
i like talking, way too much. so it's about time i acknowledge that and work on my listening skills. might as well add this in my new year resolutions list. speaking of which, how is your 'new year new me' plan going? mine's going not good but not bad. (jisoo style)

anyways, have a great weekend ahead. 

i love you,

TDD- ten day diary
the last time we talked, i was in a mini preparatory vacay, and i'm unfortunate to say that it's ending today. i have maths tomorrow. today is 8th of march, i'm not feeling any stress right now but i guarantee you i will in about 48 hours starting now.
well by the time you're reading this, i will be drowning in my books.
enjoy your weekend while i prepare for my next exam (which is on monday, 13th of march). 

ok bye
love you,


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