
 We all heard about songs that are about liking or “loving” someone so I wrote this song about hating a person.


I have learnt about enemies to lovers

But this time it’s the opposite


Oh no we have never been lovers

And now I’m hoping we don’t even be friends


I kinda had a crush on you

But then I saw the whole you

Frankly speaking, the like meter came down by a lot

Well I still decided to give it a shot


Months rolled by

Noticed a lot of mistakes


Oooh it’s the way you walk

The way you talk

The way you make the lava in me boil


It’s in your words

It’s in your ugly eyes

I really want to make you disappear


I don’t hate a person by their looks

But you gave me a lot more than the way you look


It’s your personality

It’s your whole vibe

It’s you.


I hate you.

You’re the person I hate the most

In the whole world


Oh, I hate you the most even at 6 feet far

Or when you’re anywhere close          

And I can see you from the corner of my eye


I get Goosebumps, not because you’re lovely

But for the quite opposite


Your whole existence is a bane to mine

I'd wanna gag at the thought of you speak and smile


The very words that come outta your mouth

I would disagree without a single thought


I never want to wonder

Why I ever liked a person

That I so hate them myself

So your existence is meaningless


This is the first time I ever felt like this

I never hated a man more that I’d give up every time we have to speak


I hate you so much

Hope you do the same

Or don’t

 I really don’t give a shit

Of how you feel.


But Fr though,

When am I ever gonna stop

Seeing you again

Hope that future’s not far away


The mere sight of you in the corner of my eye

Makes me want to gauge it out

And mince it with a blunt knife

And throw it in the bin to rot

Because it’s not biodegradable anymore

It became toxic.         


 ~the end~

If this reminded you of someone, PLEASE avoid them at all costs. Even a tiny interaction with that person can lead to fatality (as stated by me and me only).


Oh and please don’t think I’m a hateful person. I love humans, all of them (even the bad ones) except this one. I don’t even know exactly when I started feeling this way but it grew rather gradually and rapidly at some point and made it this far that I wanted to dedicate a whole ahhh poem to them.

And if you know me, you will know that I don’t write poems about just anyone. But this person has shaken me to the core and became worthy of this hate attack.


also, i'm trying to do the bare minimum in editing this post meaning this person isn't worth all my hard work. so bear with me guys, just for this post :))

If you think that this is about you, then no it is not about you. This person is so ignorant and dumb that they will not even understand half the words I used. So ya you are all safe <33 but not safe FROM MY LOVE TO YOU πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜€πŸ˜ πŸ˜ˆπŸ‘ΊπŸ‘½


also btw i made a slight change to the blog. the background isn't white anymore, its this beautiful vomit yellow. hope you like it, if you don't lmk!! i felt like the white was kinda too bright and would be uncomfortable to read on mobile so ya. 

That is it for today guys.


I love you,





TDD- (ten day diary)

Helloww people! I’ll get to the point. My ten days have not been going well. Its cbse boards time yayy (I’m dead inside).

Also small additional information totally irrelevant and in no shape or form useful to you: my English skills are getting worse. Like seriously. While writing exams, I can’t even thinking of a word that would explain the situation perfectly but I’m having to go around the nose (which is honestly nice in boards but still). I’m not able write posts as well ffs. Aaaaaaaa I’m sooo tired


I have 2 more while my science stream friends have 1 (which is computers so basically their exams are done). I have 2 more and they’re the core subjects yippieee (I will not back down to kms).


Enough about me, I hope you have a wonderful amazing awesome exciting crazy week (sarcasm).

Ok byeee





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