re-introduction part 2- THE qna

 Heyyy everyone, I’m back with the real deal! The questions!!! I named it re-introduction part 2- THE qna because it’s basically a qna. But before that, these are some basic/common first impression questions, for some warm-up.

Trail of thoughts- 10

Sto-rini -7


1.                   Favourite colours - Orange, peach, pink

2.                   Favourite shows - Brooklyn 99, nhie

3.                   Favourite animals - Lion, rabbit

4.                   Favourite flavour - Chocolate

5.                   Dream date - Going on an amusement park date and riding all of the rides till sunset

6.                   Ice cream or cake - Cake (my teeth are sensitive AF, recommend a toothpaste T_T)

7.                   Favourite genre in movies - Romance, comedy

8.                   Favourite genre in music - Pop, metal, instrumental

9.                   Date of birth - 15th of Feb. 2006

10.               Best days in memory - Birthdays in 2019, 2020, 2022

11.               Favourite subject - Maths

12.               Reason why I write poems - To express myself and a try to expand my creative boundaries

13.               Reason why I’m not posting on insta - Writers block guysss

14.               Asking questions or being asked questions - Latter

15.               Truth or dare - Situation

16.               What is love? - Too complex to explain

17.               Mom or dad - your mom


So I asked my followers on insta to ask a few questions and y’all didn’t hold back


18.               How tall are you? - Enough

19.               Why didn’t you d13 yet? - living for you <3

20.               Your ideal proposal- Never thought about it but I see proposal videos pop up in my fyp so I’m thinking; while touring the world is when I finally get asked to live with my prince forever and as the foreign clouds pass by with a glee, the time stops to freeze this moment forever in my memories, our heartbeats fill the sudden quietness around us, the little children not aware of what’s going on photo bomb the videos or pictures, the strangers so kindly stay in a distance waiting for my response in tense but not as tense as my man kneeling before me with the prettiest ring in his hands and I would stare deep into his eyes with tears and a smile so big and utter the word, “YES!” so quiet, it goes with my breath and he stays confused of what I said and tilts his pretty head sideways and raises his eyebrow while tearing up. And I look at him and shout “YES!! I will marry you, (his name)”. And when everyone thinks it has ended and starts clapping, I would kneel down in front of him and take out the ring I’ve been carrying with me for months waiting for the right time. And not a moment to waste, I would stretch out my hand with a glowing finger and raise it to him and ask him for his hand in marriage. I just want him to have the “got proposed” moment so that I’ll have the “he said yes!” moment. Cute eh?

21.               How did poetry find you? - In a desperate situation to express myself

22.               Why an orange cloud? - Because I like clouds and orange. And I was also a kid when I made this so don’t blame me.

23.               Susi baki? - Stfu

24.               Where do you live in India? – You wish you knew

25.               Would you like to be a playboy in your next life or be a nerd? A nerd. Because playboys are overrated and nerds are the new cool. Like it or leave it.

26.               Favourite quote? - Not some fancy stuff but, (a) fake it till you make it. (b) If they back-talk, it means you’re interesting. (c) People forget, so make memories. (d) If you back-talk, it means they’re more interesting than you (which they are not. no one is more interesting than yourself. so don’t back-talk). (e) With awesomeness come haters. (f) People would trust anything if said with confidence (so be confident, be a leader).

27.               Do you like polynomials? - Yes! I love maths generally.

28.               When will you love me? - When I start loving myself.

29.               How’d you get inspired to write such fab poems? - First of all, thank you for the compliment and second of all, I wish I knew man! If I did I would keep on writing till I d13. Ok so the real answer is that, look at your surroundings and try to link it with what you are feeling. Words would come out themselves.

30.               Do you ever read math theory? - Yes always, it’s important for one mark questions πŸ˜‚

31.               What’s your opinion on Anirudh Pisharody? - Dude is super hot but sadly married. They way he pronounces his name is so funny that I lost all the interest in him then on.

32.               Your crush? - Where do I start? There’s so many.

33.               How do you get inspired to write? - I wish to know so I do it more, I am suffering from writer’s block and I really need to get cured. But the answer would be usually by people and new emotions I feel. Poetry is like a journal to keep track of what I’m feeling.

34.               Do you use Google or any other medium to choose better words? – No. If you notice, my vocab in poetry is so basic even a child could get it (excluding the deeper meaning within).

35.               How’s school? - Crappy. It’s stressful rn and I’m running back on syllabus. Don’t like.

36.               How do you write such beautiful posts? - It’s all about observing your surroundings and connecting dots. I usually write about people in my life, my feelings/emotions, maybe both combined (as in how certain people make me feel). Or sometimes other’s point of view as well when my life gets uninteresting (rare).

37.               When did you start writing and what got you into writing? - I started poetry in 2020 (the pandemic did something to all of us and this is mine) and then I liked what I wrote so I just started writing more.

38.               What is your writing process like? Do you go through several drafts? - I write when I hit inspiration and then just keep on writing until it ends/stops. I usually don’t read my poems again until it’s time to post and I don’t want embarrass myself with mistakes (which still happens ffs). What you read is just raw. I don’t change things mostly. (Should I?)

39.               What’s your guilty pleasure? - watching shows, sleeping for long hours, watching reels (man I hate), watching weird informational YouTube videos that would not help me in any way whatsoever but I do enjoy watching them because they’re interesting but there’s no benefit because I either forget what I saw or the topics are not usually a conversation starter or both.

40.               Do you know yourself? - I don’t think so, every time I think I do, I just find new stuff. It’s like I’m learning myself every day. Life is all about learning about yourself and finding yourself. Maybe one day I’ll know myself enough to write an auto-biography πŸ˜‚

41.               Why do you love me? - You wish I did.          





Then I asked you guys to send in some anonymous confessions /questions and here we go!


42.               Hey I’m done with everything now I don’t think I’ll be moving forward in this worst condition of mine. I just wanna quite everything. I lost my guts to face anything. I just wanna escape from everything. 😭--- (im not a therapist, everything I say is my opinion) you see, im really bad at consoling people but I always try my best. So the solution for this is, it’s not a problem. I’m not saying it’s not important or you should forget it or you should try to move on quickly. I’m saying that you’re not alone and suggesting you to take your own time healing yourselves rather than rushing the process. There are many people willing to talk with you about it IF you’re ready. Ok I am bad at this thing, im sorry if I messed up. I think I should stop 😬

43.               Who is your current crush? – Them.

44.               Today my crush kissed me on the cheeks-  cap

45.               Is there something you would like to change in your writing style?- I want to try higher vocab, more descriptive, shorter poems, more metaphoric, better rhyming, positive meaning, connected with universe and studies, relatable funny poems.

46.               Your best friend loves you- everyone does

47.               What is your shoe size?- 5 -_-

48.               Who do you miss the most? - I miss my family, old school friends, stress free days and chocolate cake. (yes chocolate cake is as important as a person)

49.               What was the best day so far this year? - My b’day, June 14th, Aug 15th.

50.               Do you want kids eventually? - Random but yes.

51.               Craziest pick up line that worked. – Not the craziest but I have the cheesiest one; how did you learn to walk so fast? I mean you used to have wings before.

52.               Have you done dr-gs?  - no. do I seem like I do? 😭

53.               One friend you’re thankful for. – Not gonna name them.

54.               Single? Ready to mingle? - no and ew no.

55.      thanks

56.               It’s corn- it got the juice!

57.               Love your work- thank you!

58.               You’re my ride or die- wait a minute, who ARE you? 🀨

59.               Dogs or cats- I like dogs but then a cat-obsessed friend made my fyp all catsy. I see more cats than dogs and I like them. So you tell me, what do I like more?

60.               I really like you- thank you

61.               I’m losing my friends because I'm self isolating and self sabotaging everything and I feel so lonely and angry but there’s no one to blame but myself- try journalizing, you probably don't want to talk to people because you're afraid they may judge you but I can guarantee you that a book can't judge you in anyway whatsoever. so yea try writing anything at first then try going deeper and write about specific things that's been bothering you. this will improve your English and also acts as a way to let it all out. I hope that helps. 

62.               Have any Netflix recommendations? - BROOKLYN 99. BEST SHOW EVER. It makes me smile on the toughest days, laugh even.

63.               Do you have any cute friends for me lmao- Who tf are you?



That’s it. Wow. This is so much. The fact that you read all of this is awesome and ily 😌πŸ₯ΊπŸ€§



If you have any questions for me, don’t-

Kidding, you can ask me any time, my inbox is always open for y’all. Or my Instagram page (@an_orange_cloud). Follow me there if you aren’t already. You can always leave a comment on posts it works T_T

It’s so sad that the comment thingy is not working like bro the least thing this blog could do, is work properly.

future rini: omg guess what, i just saw that the comment thingy is working so comment awayyyy


Well that’s it people. Thank you for sending in responses/questions. I had so much writing this blog and hope you enjoy reading it.







TDD- I’m having my exams from today (20th of September). First exam is English. Tbh English never felt like a legitimate exam, it always felt like a warm-up for the real deal lmao. I feel so unproductive these days and the growing up fear is k1ll1ng me slowly. I hope I do well in my exams. By the next post, I’ll be free from my exams and be waiting for my vacation!! Dusshera, here I comeeee! I’m so excited for the 10 days break. I need a break, we all need one.

The last ten days have been filled with guilt and the constant urge to do better and if not, cry myself to sleep. (I need therapy). Ok byeee

Love you.

take a break, have a kitkat write your diary, eat something, drink water, rest your eyes and most importantly tell that person in the mirror (not Bl00dy Mary) that they matter and that you love them <3

Oh and get your ass off the desk and touch some grass.


With love,




  1. mere rang mein rangane vaalii
    parii ho yaa ho pariyon kii raanii
    yaa ho merii prem kahaanii (ur writing)
    mere savaalon kaa javaab do, do na


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