re- introduction part 1

Trail Of Thoughts - 9
Sto-rini - 6
Hellowwww everyone!
I’m Rini, the poet cum writer cum owner of this poorly functioning blog.
I decided to do a re-introduction post since a lot of new people joined the family and everyone needs to know about the head (me). The first ever intro I did was when I first started this blog and honestly that is not enough to know about me and a lot of things have changed since. So I’m here to tell you some interesting things about me so you will know more about me and hopefully won’t abduct/kidnap/intrude/unalive me for being so cool.
Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening/night (for legal reasons idk where you are rn). I’m Rini and no, it’s not my real name. I’m my own godmother in this case. I’m currently 16 years old and studying in 12th class. I’m studying commerce and undoubtedly the worst mistak- I mean the best decision I ever took. I’m new to this school and honestly though, it’s a lot different from my previous one. Even though it’s only been a year since I joined, it feels like more than that for sure. I’m not sure why but this place is very comforting yet kinda scary. It’s like; feels like home but you have a manipulating family. Get it? I would probably need therapy after this, probably.
I have a good vocabulary (I think) but I’m bad at spellings. So if you send me to a spelling bee competition, it’s more likely that I know the meaning but not the actual spelling. Auto-correct IS my god. Speaking of gods, I’m an atheist. If you ask me the reason, my answer would probably be “idk, I just thought it’s fun to do the opposite of what a lot do, it makes me unique (or different somehow).” No but the real reason would be is that things don’t add up in the superstitions which make up the religion (partially/fully). I would rather not talk about this topic here. (The world is a scary place).
I have a jam packed routine every day after school and sometimes I would still feel unproductive after doing a ton of work. It’s just that I have so many expectations on myself and it kinda ruins my day. It’s as often as you think. In the free time I create (because I don’t get any; and if you don’t have any, you create it), I usually go to YouTube on my computer or watch reels on my phone. (I deeply regret every second I waste on reels).
These days I’m very much interested in video essays in YouTube, it’s like an essay in the form of a video (if you already didn’t get it from the name). They’re so interesting to watch, and sometimes fun. my recommendations are usually about those trends online that are ruining the teenage lives or those ancient pieces of art that have a deeper meaning than just colours and brushes or those people the internet collectively hates and why or those dumb trends that surfaced or those cute couple goal trends that make me wanna sleep on the road every night. The other day I was watching some documentaries about serial k1llers and omg it’s so interesting. Not to sound like really depressed or quirky but I wanna star in one of those lmao.
Jokes aside, I can totally recommend you some channels or topics if you want.
1. zoeunlimited
2. oliSUNvia
3. Answer in progress
4. Art Deco
5. Psych2go
And speaking of YouTube, I have a YouTube channel with ‘aksharala’ two videos.
And no I’m not gonna tell you the channel.
You might have read one of my previous posts about my personality where I mentioned I’m an ENTJ and it’s good to know that I’m still an ENTJ and I probably changed but not enough for the computer to pick up.
I know this may seem like an abrupt stop but the fact is that my post originally had about 2000 words and honestly I know no one would read it. So I decided to split it into two.
The next part has all the questions you sent. I am sorry guys.
So yea that’s it. If you still have any questions for me, don’t-
Kidding, you can ask me any time, my inbox is always open for y’all. Or my Instagram page (@an_orange_cloud). Follow me there if you aren’t already. You can always leave a comment on posts it works T_T
It’s so sad that the comment thingy is not working like bro the least thing this blog could do, is work properly.
So yea whoever missed to send in questions can just send them this time.
Thank you for reading and thank you for being here with me.
Ily <3
With love,
TDD- hectic.
The fact that its 10th of Sept. and I still haven’t published this yet will prove it to you. The last ten days started off great but halfway through it was downhill. 5th Sept. was a W. I anchored for the teacher’s day program we threw and people loved it! So the whole day was a W Fr.
That’s it, that’s when I stopped seeing any signs of happiness in my life. I had L days for 3 days in a row. Like a hat trick ffs. Not a fan.
And in 10 days I have my exams, I need to study.
Well that’s it, it was nice writing about me and answering your questions. y'all didn’t hold back when I asked for questions. Can’t wait for you to read them!! I’ll post it next week for sure!
Until then, I’ll take my leave.
