Bad Day At School

Remember when we all had to face the wrath of online classes? Yes this is from one of those days. 
Reading this will be like reliving it. 

I’m having a bad day
I did nothing but stayed
On my bed hearing
All my teachers screaming
Behind the screens
Like I give a sh1t

I’m attending for attendance
Don’t expect my attention
And don’t test my patience
Please give me some space mam

Stop asking me answers
While you can ask others
You expect me to say ‘yes mam’
While you can just look at
The list of participants

You start the roll call
While I start reciting all
The alphabets
Warming up my vocal chords

I finally say it trying
Hard not to sound grumpy
But you ask me if I'm sleeping
I say, ‘no, I’m sorry’ b1tch

I know what I'm doing is wrong
But why can’t I have a break
For all the stuff I have done
It sucks that I should accept my fate

I have a pile of books in the corner
Waiting to be done
They stare at me judgingly
While I struggle to dodge them

How can someone be like you?
Hate to think there’s a lot more too.
I know it probably sucks for you as well
So why not consider our mental health?

I'm having a bad day
And maybe you do too

You would probably still scream
Even if it’s the last day on earth
Still give me assignments and tests
With a zombie attack and deaths

Honestly though
Who wants to study
In their phones
While they can keep scrolling
And texting, chatting
And a lot more other things
Ugh I hope this phase moves quickly
So I can look back and laugh about it.

~The End~

Sooo whatchu think of this one?
Those days taught me a lot. For example, how to type really fast so our answers reach the mam first (because we were too shy to answer in the beginning), how to switch between apps (because the subject was too boring OR the group chat was on fire), how to study in the last minute (because, i mean, who even learnt stuff in online classes?), How to escape our parents' scolding (by telling them we had everything in our phone, which was true though it may seem otherwise) and finally, how to pass with flying colours (because we were c0r0n4 batch we didn't write our final exams). 
We would stay late night writing our never ending notes and chat in between with others to release the stress (because we, after all, aren't alone).
Life was super stressful but hey, i had my friends living the same life so yea that made me kinda happy. Call me sadist if you want but everyone thinks the same way. :P
Hope you like my rant about my life in 2020. 

TDD- I'm finally returning home!!! Ahhh omg I'm so happy. I'm still in train but yea it's still fun!
Not a lot happened, i bought some clothes I'm excited to try on, i have a wedding to attend, I'm finally going to be home!!! Oh and happy pride month!!
Byeee hope you have a good June. 


  1. hi , i am one of ur schoolmate and i can totally relate with u , we were not able to bunk the classes in school due to that so called good students tag , but we could in online classes , keep on going !!

    1. heyyy! this is so true. we had a lot of pressure (or that's what we thought). we were so hard on ourselves. damn i wish i could give a long hug to the 2020 me.


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