His Smile

heyy, so this poem is about a girl who is lost in a guy's smile. 

this is probably my story. probably.
i kinda tried free verse but ended up rhyming some words. i'm not quite familiar with the concept but i'm trying to write some. wish me luck and make sure let me know what you think of this one! 
here we go: 
I still remember the first time we’ve met
We weren’t same but not so different.
We were rivals
For reasons so childish.
I didn’t care about that
I was just having fun.
Few months passes and
I have noticed a difference
Something I have not seen before
And I loved it a lot more.
I saw you smile.
I have lost my mind.
I have been drowning ever since
In that smile so mesmerizing.
It wasn’t enough for me
So I tried to see it again.
But you don’t smile so often,
That hurt me a bit.
Eventually you started smiling often
And I wake up every morning
Just to see you smile
It’s so beautiful.
I don’t ever want you to
Lose that smile of yours.
Days passed and I find myself
Looking at you
More than often
With a tingling feeling.
I didn’t mind it
Until I was caught by your eye.
Eyes met,
My heart melt.
Cheeks were heating
Stomach was dancing
Heart was racing
Brain wasn’t thinking.
A feeling so crazy
Almost drooling.
In the following days
Nothing changed.
I kept getting caught
But I repeated my journey
To meet that smile
And eye of yours.
I still remember how you
Look out for my eyes
And throw that cheeky smile
When we saw each other.
I love how your eyes
Close when you smile.
Years passed but
Same is your smile.
I still blush
Thinking about your smile.
i think its cute ngl.
i also noticed how most of my poems start with 'i still remember'. i keep getting reminded of Conan's "Heather". omg it's such a masterpiece. the song always makes me emotional. have heard his song "people watching"? its awesome!!
TDD: news, I got vaccinated (again). Just wanted to put that first lol. Now lez look at the events in order.
I went to my friend’s sister’s marriage with my old friends and we had so much fun!! Clicked many pictures and made many more memories <3
I celebrated my sixteenth birthday and honestly, it was the best one. I had so much fun with my new friends. Missed my old ones but life goes on. I took a bunch of videos with my bestfriend (the one I wrote ‘coffee and tea’ for) I made a couple of reels too :D
I played badminton with ma friend and I lost some touch cuz it has been nearly 5 years since I last played (excuses).


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