
 Helloww, we are back with another story-with-rini episode ;) this one is like a compilation of all the dog incidents I had in my life.

 Sto-rini -2



My relation with dogs is kind of complicated. I like watching puppies. Only watching. So if you give me a puppy to hold or pat, I would be too scared to do it. As much as I adore them, I can’t touch them. Then again it’s not like I have ocd or something but it’s just that I fear hurting them. My mind turns into a complete inhumane villain in split second that it makes me want to throw the baby to the ground. (that turned dark)


The other day my friend showed me her puppy named simba to us [:/ I was quite disappointed with the name for simba is a lion’s name meaning it’s a cat name given to a dog]. Everyone was taking chances to hold it but I was just trying to avoid it. My friend finally noticed it and asked me to hold it. I told her I can’t but she insisted me to. It was horrific. The puppy was so young and trembling (it’s just been bathed) and there was not much hair to it. I was panicking and gave it back to her. I may sound extra but that’s how it was.



This happened when I was young (younger). This was actually a game I used to play with my neighbors. So the game includes us calling out for dogs in the street and have fun with their reactions. I know that sounds really dangerous and inhumane but the 10-year old rini didn’t know that so stfu :) The worst thing that could happen was getting bitten by the dawgz Lmao. That was the most terrifying yet exciting thing to see. (idk how that was exciting)


One particular day, everything got out of hands and a dog rushed inside the apartment. That was not predicted nor was it expected. So as usual we were just calling the dogs and playing around. But I guess one couldn’t take it anymore and decided to scare us for life. It rushed inside and everyone scattered and started rushing up the stairs and lift with their lives in hand. I was doing the latter with my brother. We closed the doors just in time. When I say just in time, I mean it. The dog was inches away from the doors and we immediately pressed any button we could to get away from that monster.


I don’t remember how it looked at us, it’s all blurry and the memory is blurrier. I think it’s my mind protecting me, you know like a defense mechanism. (now I make it sound like a trauma)

Luckily no one got hurt. Physically. Because that was a major mental scar for me. For a few days I was too scared to even walk near them. But now I'm okay. As long as the dogs don’t stare at me, I'm all good.



I have another incident with dawgz, this time alone. I was running an errand and on my way back I encountered with a big black dog. IT WAS TERRIFYING. I was so freaking scared. It came near me. (I don’t know if it’s a he or she BECAUSE I AIN’T GOT NO TIME TO CHECK-). And I just froze. My legs gave out and I was horrified. It came further towards me, running. I couldn’t scream or yell. It was coming, not towards me but AT me. It was coming to bite me. And my life flashed while it bit me- kidding.


An uncle came at the right time and rescued me. He scared the dog away while I was so close to tears. He asked me to go inside and I did. I didn’t even thank him. Actually, I couldn’t thank him. I hope he knew it from my eyes that I was so grateful for his help.

And that’s how my fear for dogs started. Big dogs.



One fine summer day, my friend and I were playing badminton at the back of the building. Few minutes in, the cock [:/] fell in the house behind ours. The walls were too high for us to climb so there was no other option but to walk all the way there to get that. We did. So the house is a duplex with 2 floors and there are many trees and plants at the back. And yes, our challenge awaited us there. We had to go there and search among the green and brown for our white. {-_-}


Sounds easy, right? NOPE. There is a DAWG. Not a small one nor a medium sized one but a BIG one. Its name is rocky. Its big, white and most importantly, LOUD. We saw it and we both started screaming and while my friend stopped, I went on. And rocky started barking because of our screams and now it’s just chaos everywhere. He even started coming at us but we noticed a leash to his collar. The owner was RIGHT THERE. And boy did he even care. He calmed down rocky and let us search for what we came for. It was already getting late and darker by second with the sun already set. We had only minutes in our hands and went on with full speed and efficiency. But with hours of playing came fatigue and it was quite difficult for us.


We found it after a few minutes. It was actually on a leaf, a banana leaf (on that big as-) and not on the ground. We somehow got it, thanked the owner and rushed the hell out of there. Rocky scared us with a loud bark. Now that I think about it he was probably saying goodbye to us but that sounded more like a ‘don’t ever come back’ to us back then.


That made us rivals and sometimes we would bark from our terrace to irritate rocky and mainly his owner. We would shout his name ONCE, then he would go on barking for 20 seconds until his owner stops him. Don’t blame us, we were just kids :P



I heard this great advice and its honestly one of the best ones I have ever heard. ‘Don’t stare at dogs or not even look at them while passing by’. And it’s actually so true, if you look at them they are going to get threatened (?) and start barking and come at us. So whenever my friend and I would pass them we would try to talk about something so stupid and try to shift our attention from them.

Me: “so what did you eat for dinner?”

Her:  “its 4pm now rini”.


Anyways, if you were encounter dawgz and you’re scared of them, avoid them. They don’t have to know that you’re scared and vulnerable. So just think about that one embarrassing and cringe thing you did four years ago to impress your crush and probably failed miserably but you didn’t know that because you thought it was cool. *sigh* we all live the same life, don’t we? After all, we are all human who is scared of beings smaller (in size) than them albeit being at the top of the food chain. (im not asking you to eat dogs lol)



That’s it! Thanks for coming to my ted talk, “Dawgz”. It was nice to ‘meat’ y’all.  Just remember, Anything is paw-sible so don’t stop if your day is ruff! (That was tough even for me. ‘dad jokes’. Please fur-give me for I thought it would be ultimutt.)

Alright, bye!





(TDD- it was tough, we had online classes for a week and they called us for offline. My sleep schedule is f-ed right now. Oh today’s my parents’ anniversary!! Our teachers haven't showed us the papers yet, it shucks. And btw this is ‘valentine week’. Please can anyone delete this sh1t? *smiling in pain*. Anywayss tomorrow's gonna be a wonderful dayy because all my friends are meeting for a function! Im super excited. Hope everything goes well <3

And the most important news; itss myy bdayyy!! It's next week and im super exciteddd.

Btw, I noticed my blog is a mess. I don’t know what to do and im scared. Hope it fixes itself soon :(

Anyways, bye-bye)


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