
Can you wait?

I told you I liked you  Even though I knew your reply It wasn't positive like my blood group  But I didn't want to regret that night  I just needed to take it off my chest  Wanted to fill the breeze so fresh  Without catching a cold  Just wanted to let it go  I wasn't sure myself  What I felt towards you  I guess I was selfish  Because I wanted to include you  The battle in my heart  Was heating up  The heartbeat was raising, thought  I would die but here I am  My ego was bigger than my heart  I couldn't take it when you rejected me  I started denying it altogether but I was too late I was already floating  I needed the ground I had to think straight But I could 'feel' myself like a 'diver in the space' Though it sucked to be alone  I needed time to let go  I am not scared of anything but to lose  And I was scared of losing you  I wanted to know you better  I wanted to let ...

don't joke about being

You joked about being dead You joke about killing yourself But that didn’t really bother me Because I thought you were kidding.   But one day it really got me. My fake scenario’s genre changed I imagined you being dead before me I was so sad and so scared.   A lot of emotions Rushed in my mind. The strongest one was The feeling of regret.   I regret not helping you. I regret ignoring you. I regret all those days. When I hated you for a change.   I regretted not being able to Change how I felt towards you. But I was too late for that You were gone thinking I hated you.   At first I was unbothered By your silly confessions. But now I'm truly scared. Scared to face those emotions.   Please don’t be gone I need you by my side I know this don’t make sense But hear me out for once.   You may want to save yourself From all the misery in life. But you should think about others. Others who have you in their hearts.   Please don’t joke about being dead I’ll...

Bad Day At School

Remember when we all had to face the wrath of online classes? Yes this is from one of those days.  Reading this will be like reliving it.  I’m having a bad day I did nothing but stayed On my bed hearing All my teachers screaming Behind the screens Like I give a sh1t I’m attending for attendance Don’t expect my attention And don’t test my patience Please give me some space mam Stop asking me answers While you can ask others You expect me to say ‘yes mam’ While you can just look at The list of participants You start the roll call While I start reciting all The alphabets Warming up my vocal chords I finally say it trying Hard not to sound grumpy But you ask me if I'm sleeping I say, ‘no, I’m sorry’ b1tch I know what I'm doing is wrong But why can’t I have a break For all the stuff I have done It sucks that I should accept my fate I have a pile of books in the corner Waiting to be done They stare at me judgingly While I struggle to dodge them How can someone be like you? Hate to t...

You lied when you said

 You told me you loved me But I know you lied I didn’t want to admit it But I could see all the signs   You lied when you said ‘I have saved you’ But we both know that It isn’t the truth   I had to throw myself away Just so you can feel comfortable   I cry everyday denying The reason behind it It’s you and your lies That have been killing me   Now that I think back about Those days, I feel ashamed Of myself and my choices Making me hate myself   It would have been lot easier If have seen those red flags Hanging around us   I would cry all day My friends would ask me To leave you but I stayed Hoping you would change.   Deep down I knew You would stay the same But I couldn’t leave you Because I loved you the same   I know you lied when you Said, ‘I am sorry’ You didn’t mean it And you didn’t bother to.   We would break-up every other day And somehow end up together Thought we were meant to be Though I see otherwise daily.   I always g...

What I think of when I hear the word love

Trail of thoughts-5 Whenever I think of love, a garden full of flowers appears in front of me. Beautiful, colourful, fresh, aesthetic, fragrant and in other word perfect.  There are a ton of varieties of flowers, all in fresh bloom and in their best efforts to look their best, to look the prettiest. The sky is no less. Clouds are competing with the flowers to look prettier on the other side, floating in perfect shapes. One in a heart, some as flowers, some as stars and a moon, few puppies and kittens, peacocks and many more. I'm not sure if they're flying or floating but I know they're sure enjoying themselves and in the same time me as well. I see those little birds chirping and singing with all their hearts and flying in unison, forming variety of shapes. For example, a V for the victory of our love.  The sun is shining with all the perfect shades of yellow and orange combined, playing it's role perfectly. The breeze is as peaceful as it can be.  An eternity could pas...

you changed

This one is a story. This poem is told by a boy to a girl who once called him her crush and eventually moved on. But he didn’t (or couldn't).  You told me you liked me But why don’t you look at me I can see you smile at him While you should be smiling at me.   I started having feelings for you Right from the day you said ‘I like you’ But now everything seems like a lie to me It isn’t fair. I hate to even say it.   Why didn’t you wait for me? You didn’t had to move so quickly But now I’m a hopeless romantic Who is gonna understand me?   In this world where everyone gets what they want Why am I the unlucky one of all?   I thought I gave you all the signs But now I’m your past While he is your present I can’t bear this.   How could you be so fast in this? I’m an amateur so please help me.   I feel so sad and bad Now I get why you were sad Back when I ignored you And now I’m a victim too.   Though I feel bad right now   It’s no use cuz you moved ...

You're My Autumn

hope you like it as much as i loved writing it <3 Rain winter spring and summer, Gotta a lot of seasons in the calendar. But one of them is the best No breeze no stress on the chest. It's the autumn. The yellow leaves falling to the ground, Makes me want to go on a walk Crushing those fellas in a path not found. You're my autumn. You help me pour out my emotions You tell me it's okay to breakdown It's okay to fall down to the ground It's okay to leave Where you have been. It's okay to fly away From the sky and beyond To the payment on the ground As long as you're happy.  You don't always have to be  Up in the sky always green You can fall down,  You can become brown. You are my autumn. With you I can be slow. I can fall down to let it go. I need your hands to hold. My path is covered in yellow bedsheet It's tiring but never boring  With you, I can walk miles With you, I always smile. I want to get lost I want to stay on the path I want to be the o...