you're a mystery


I feel like I need to

Know a lot about you.


You’re like a box of mysteries.

Waiting to be opened by me.


The way you talk

The way you walk

The way you look

The way you move

Everything about you

Makes me intrigued.


You hide a lot,

You need to speak aloud,

You need to have your voices heard,

You need to fly, you little bird,

If you want people to understand you.

And if you want to be understood.


Every time I talk with you, I feel like

I’m talk to a different person each time.


You keep changing and changing,

You don’t want people to know you for real.


You think the world would leave you

If they knew the real you.


But I promise I’m never gonna take a step away from you

Because I would be too busy embracing you, the real you.


You’re like a mysterious fairy flying in the woods

You’re the kind of mystery I’d love to explore.


All I need is the key

And find the way to your heart

And I promise I will

Make you the happiest in the world


You’re a pretty mystery

But you need to stop being a mystery.


If none of that works

Then I will just stay in the woods

And wait and wait and wait.

For you, the real you.


You are like a box of mysteries,

And I can’t find the key

Nor the way to you

The real you

~The End~


TDD- ten day diary

heyy, i back B)

wish i was in a stream which is not very serious so i can have a life and live it 😭😓

feeling very excited for the second half of the year idk why, i literally have nothing to do but study ffs

anyways, you guys have a great great second half of 2024!!!
