the pirate

I can hang by the thread

Or I can jump on my own

But in the end

I'll be falling on the ground


I'll flow with the river

Never stay at the bank

I'll flow into the ocean

And never come/look back


I wanna sail like a pirate

Fighting the chaos

I never want to set back

And become one of them


I want to keep sailing

Until I reach nowhere

Because reaching is not my goal

But to move on from the chaos


There is a lot of fish in the sea

I can find something to eat

The land can't keep me sane

The land can’t make me a pirate


I don’t care about the destination

I only care that I'm leaving

I don’t know where I'm going

But I know I want to be leaving

And I know I'd be happy


I want to leave the chaos

Leave everything behind

I want to sail in the ocean

Till I see no light


And once the night comes

I'll take some rest and

Deal with all the emotions

About the end


The pirate always sails

In look out for something

Well this pirate sails

Only to explore "living"


Maybe one day I'll find an island

To say my journey ended

But until then I'll go

Wherever the ocean flows


 ~The End~



I love this poem, it’s absolutely beautiful.

I would say it’s one of the most beautiful things I have ever written. It’s about moving on in life and finding comfort within ourselves rather than in someone else.

It’s sad yet exciting how chatgpt gives a better interpretation with a small contribution from my sad. What’s your interpretation? What do you think the poem’s about and is it relatable to you? If so why?


I love you for reading till the end.


Thank you,




TDD- ten day diary

It’s not ten days anymore lol. I'm sorry I’m not posting the TDD these days. My blog lost my personal touch without these little sneak-peeks into my life. Well my ten days have been cool. I am now legally an adult; doesn’t sound right to the 5 feet Rini. Yes im short, yes I know, no you don’t have to keep informing that to me. Anyways, my birthday wasn’t all that great tbh. My parents were sick so it was not a great midnight cake cutting experience. I had history exam that day. I USED TO LOVE HISTORY WHAT HAPPENED TO ME. OH YES MY COLLEGE HAPPENED. I have a tendency to blame anyone but myself. #selflove am I right?


You may be wondering what my college had to do with my poor studying performance. Me??? Poor studying??? Impossible.


Anyways, on 17th my friends and I went to lunch to celebrate the completion of exams. Behold! Two of us turned into Karens and got us a discount because we found a plastic piece in our plate. (Yes plate singular, it was mandi). Omg I will write a post about this 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 so excited.


Also I have so much chocolate in my house on account of my birthday. Will distribute them in college on Monday! Alas the chocolate faeiry is here! Turns out faery, fairy, fae, are also same. There is no wrogn spelling of fairy.


Thank you for attending my ted-talk. I will try to incorporate TDD in almost every post from now one. Ten day diary? More like twenty or even thirty day diary. Also my January sucked.


Ohh almost forgot I passed CA foundation with distinction. (keep in mind, the pass percentage is ~30%). It’s a big deal. Welp, that’s it.


I love you so much

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3333333333


  1. I really liked the flow of this poem. I feel like you really conveyed what you wanted to convey with this one. Its sad yet comforting at the same time. Youre leaving something behind yet you're moving onward towards a new life. I like it

  2. I'm a pirate. I tried.
    Leaving this life full of tea4s and lies.....
    But happiness is all i felt......
    When i saw the chaos i left.....

    Love it Rini ji! ❤️


    1. aww thankyou!!!! and yes my next post might be about that (no promises)


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