a song to myself

I love how you laugh
The way you talk
The way you make everyone smile
The way you squint your eyes
The way you throw my troubles away
The way you make me feel safe
You are someone’s enemy
But forever my hero
I protect you and you protect me
And together we fly home
I love the way you make me feel loved
The way you speak when you are happy
The way you squeal when excited
The way you beat those tears in your eyes
I love how you care for others
Even though you pretend not to care at all
The way you want to help the people
Though you joke about being a dictator
I love your expressions
I love your emotions
When you battle within
I wish I could say let it be
I love how you whisper the joke to me
So I would be the one to crack it
And you don’t mind about the credit
I love how you dance when alone
When you think you are free of stares
But I would be there
And you wouldn’t care
And I would be blown away
I love the way you lead others
You say they’re just small creatures
But deep inside you is such a softie
But you don’t want anyone to know it
I love you and will forever do
I wish you feel the same way I do
You don’t want anyone to know you cried
Watching the princess get the love
Or the girl dying for the guy
Or those people wanting love      
I love that you cry over old people
When they are so full of love
I love how clingy you are
I love how you reassure your love
I love how you hold my hand
Even though physical touch is not your thing
I love how you regret and apologise
After you hurt someone
Proving you’re more than just
Fun and laughs
I want to be someone you laugh with
Someone you can call when in need
Someone you can trust
And someone you can love with all your heart
I love how you play with words
Makes me wanna be the person you write about
 I hope I’m your muse
Because you’re mine to my thoughts
Sometimes I read what you write about me
And I wonder if that’s who I really am
You bring the best out of me
And make me love me
I love how you inspire people
With no intention to whatsoever
I love how cute you are
How beautiful you are
Both mind and soul
And I just love you so much
There are never any full stops
And only commas
I never want to stop loving you
And would keep adding little more
~The En-
Nahh I’m not gonna end this. Maybe I’ll keep adding little more to it ;))
I wrote this song/poem to myself, self-love much? I wanted to start off the year with a fresh, cutesy, lovely, positive poem (considering how I ended 2022 with an opposite one). I hope this lights up your mood a little.
I’m sorry I’m posting this poem a little late because (if I’m being honest) I completely forgot about it. I’m having preboards and I just forgot I have a life outside of school (yes you’re my life *insert lightskin stare*).
I know no one actually cares about this tiny blog but this is my life, this is the only thing that keeps me sane and keeps reminding me that there is something called calendar and time.
Oh and this is my first poem after many non-poem posts, yumm.
Also I’ll be promoting this after 10th of Jan because
1. I’m not free
2. I know majority of my readers are my irl friends and they are not free
3. I didn’t edit for my insta post yet
4. I’ll be free after 13th Jan.
Awesome, right?
I was thinking maybe people would think I actually h4te myself after my previous post, so just to clear that I am actually on a self love journey and this poem is a journal. I will keep adding to it and that is the metaphor for I’ll keep loving me (a little more everyday).
That is it for today,
With warmest regards.
Love you

TDD: Hellowwww. I am trying to sound enthusiastic to hide the real stress within me. Exams 👍
Jan 1st was AWESOME. Our neighbours planned an outing to a resort and we had so much fun. I clicked many pictures, shot many videos and made many more memories. [I also had a near d34th experience which I’ll share later]
Jan 2nd was a recovery from all the fun.
Jan 3rd was the first day of school after 10 days of vacay. Realized no one is teaching because it’s preboards.
Jan 4th and Jan 5th- stayed at home procrastinating and a little studying.
Jan 6th was my first and maths exam, went better than I expected it to go.
Jan 7th was my English exam and ironically the exam I flunked. I love English and then this happens. I am going to forgive her for now because love is all about (loving of course) forgiving and sacrificing.
Also my brother came and I procrastinated a lot but it was worth it.
Jan 8th was Sunday but had to study.
Jan 9th was business exam. The thing is the paper was so easy that I am embarrassed I cried about it (I blame the hormones, I was on my period).
And it hurt.
And today is Jan 10th; I just need to study for tomorrow. And one more exam and we are done!! Sankranti is here!!!! <333
And my dad will be here!!
Never have I ever written such a big TDD. Btw TDD means ‘TEN DAY DIARY’ because 10 days is the period between each of my posts. This is a blog and also an e-diary.
Ok byeee <33


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