Lost Bird

I’m a lost bird
Flying into the infinity
Without a goal
Tryna reach the sky limit
Not knowing there isn’t
A sky in the first place
It’s just air everywhere
My darkest fears I couldn’t face
Always flying for the sun
I couldn’t stay for the dark
Strangely I wasn’t tired
But was contemplated
The happiness didn’t last long
When I couldn’t move at all
One night I stayed
Scared with the change
As the sun went down
The colours I never saw filled the sky
It soon became darker
Darker until I could see nothing
I was afraid I was caught
By my darkest fear
The fear of not being able to fly
To the sun in the sky
Little did I know
The sun was never there
And same with the sky
It was all in my mind
But I didn’t admit
I flew and flew
Never stopped once
For I feared I may think
I saw night
For the first time
The darkness filled the sky
I couldn’t believe my eye
The reason I always flew
And never stopped once
Was that I was scared
Of the unknown truth
I didn’t even want to think
What would happen if I stayed
I just wanted to be safe
And was afraid of change
So I had to chase
After the great
In order not to be better
Or good but great, always
But now I'm left behind
Couldn’t chase the great today
For reasons unexplained
But I'm happy I stayed
I see it now, being great doesn’t matter
If you are not gonna leave your comfort zone
Mine was the blue sky.
And I couldn’t move
Cuz I can’t keep flying
Just because of my foolish belief
You don’t always have to be great
You can be better or may be good
You just have to take a break
Once in a while to be in the night, cool.
 ~The End~

soooo what do we think of this one? i wrote this in the memory of a friend. (dw they're still alive). so that person works a lot, always studies and stuff. so i wrote this. if you're reading this, please take a break. i dont want you to die lol.

lemme know what you think of this one in the comments!

TDD- date vise:
21st- i wrote my last exam
22nd- i went on a date with my friends to celebrate our newfound freedom
23rd-25th- did some editing and posted two yt videos. (channel- with rini) 
one video title is "last exam=freedom"
26th- got my result. i scored 93.8%. bread 👍
28th i watched RRR. its SO FREAKING AWESOME OMG
29th- i went out with my mom to relatives, had fun. but i puked twice 😭
idk but when they say journey is better than the destination, my stomach says NO. 

bye bye!!


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