chapter 7 of i cant sing

 [before reading this, make sure you are upto date with the story line! if not, go read the earlier SIX chapters right here in my blog (for free!). click on the label "i cant sing" and everything you want is right there, in front of you <33 but ifyoure like me and want to be spoonfed although being an adult, here's the link.]





What what what what whattttttt just happened???? Did Aditya just hold my hands OH MY GOSH.


I walk- no run to the classroom before it’s too late. Just when I enter the room, Srinivas sir comes from behind. Everyone stands up to greet him. I squirm to my desk. Amrutha says in a whisper, “Why’s your face all red?? Are you not well? Did you vomit?” before I say a word, sir hears her and says “Nakshatra, if you are not feeling fine, please go to the nurse and don’t disturb my class. Why is every good student binging me trouble today?” “I’m fine sir” I stand up and sit down immediately. “Who else was it sir?” chimes in a kid from the back. “It was Aditya from B section” and before he could finish his sentence, all the students start giggling and murmuring. “Shut up everyone. That reminds me, I’m clubbing both of your sections for a combine class. We are lagging behind a bit. Since the class is too small to accommodate both the sections, I asked the principal to let me use the auditorium” this raises a few ‘oooo’s from everyone. “Alright alright, settle down, now. Grab your social text book 2, and you, Nakshatra, go inform Aditya’s class to come to the auditorium. Now.”


I’m still in awe with what happened with Aditya and now this?? Whoever lead to this is gonna d1e in my hands.

As I sit still in my bench, amrutha nudges me to go. I stand up straight, too afraid to look him in the eye say okay to him in a small mumble. I walk fast to the door and get away from his peripheral vision and stop. I pant a good 3 seconds. My heart is beating 100 a minute. I look towards B section and there he is, standing like he won the whole squid games. He looks at me with a smirk on his face, eyes narrowed down at me, his leg crossed on the other, hands in his pockets. I do NOT want to give him the satisfaction for ANYTHING.


I walk towards him, with purpose. I stop with 2 feet between us, look up at him. Before I utter a word, he goes, “oh, I thought you had class?” with a cheeky side I never saw before. That makes me want to fly in the sky among the beautiful blush tinted clouds- NO. I will not be going back to that.


“Yes. Sir asked me to inform your class to come to the auditorium for a combined social class.” I say looking anywhere but his gorgeous brown eyes that are the prettiest marbles- UGH. “Oh, is that so?” “Yes, that is so.” I say triumphantly as if that made sense. As I turn around to leave, I hear his beautifu- normal voice call out my name. Is he going to ask me why I came in early today?

Waug tectniij


“What what?”

“Arey, I didn’t hear what you just said.” I say frustrated.

“Oh? Maybe I should come in closer so you can hear me properly.”

 Before my mind registers what he just said, my mouth goes, “Maybe you should!” in a feisty tone. It takes me a second to comprehend it and he bends down and is already so close to my face, way closer than I want him to be. “What textbook, Nakshatra?” my eyes locked with his and my body still as a rock replies in the most robotic voice I could, “textbook 2”. He moves back thanking me, as I stand still for few more seconds, he says calmly,

“You are not gonna go?”

“Why, yes my good sir. Yes I will.”

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I turn around to power walk to my class. I should seriously get away from him, NOW.


Few minutes later we are all carrying our books to the auditorium like it’s a field trip and we are all kindergartners except it’s not as fun. It IS fun for a few minutes i.e., while our teacher talks with his wife before starting the class provided the said class is right after lunch. Coming to think of it, that is actually so cute. We would always be too busy using that little time to do home works and gossip to notice that. My lips curl as I think of it.


Priya jokes on the number of books I carry. But in my hand are just the textbook and rough notes. “And how are you planning to write in your notes, Nakshatra?” “With my pen of cour- wait, I forgot my pouch??” priya and amrutha start laughing and tease me. “Why didn’t you guys remind me??” I say frustrated and we are already so close to the auditorium. I shove the books in priya’s arms and hurry back to the class. I rush down the stairs and take the left when I hit something hard. “OUCH.”I shriek and my eyes lock with Aditya’s. “You should be careful.” He says unaffected, teasingly with a tint of caution. I don’t say anything because at this point anything I say is amusing to him. I just smile wide coldly and try to go past him. “wait.” He holds my hand while I leave.


I freak out. Not because THE Aditya is holding my hands (again) and I could totally be running in the garden of love, filled with tulips and sunflowers- BUT if Srinivas sir catches us in this position, it will be SCARY and dangerous.


I look around us quickly to check for any adults in sight. Like luck would have it, all classes are in session and not even a student in outside right now. I can feel his eyes daggering at me the whole time I freak out. And why is he still holding my hand??? I waited!

“What?” I ask annoyingly and pull my hand out of his strong grip.

“Why are you back?” he asks curiously.

“Ah.” I walk to my desk inviting him in. “I forgot my pouch lol.” I say casually. Was I disappointed? Did I want him to ask me something else? Something about me being early today? I mean he seemed awful interested about that during lunch. Maybe I was mistaken.

He nods knowingly, “I have done that before. Brain farts.”

“Yeah!” I laugh.

“Before I forget, why did you come in early today?”





And the drama continues….





Hiiiii, Rini on this side of the screen! Im starting to think this story might be my canon event.

In few years, I will not want to even be mentioned of this. Now? I’m very giddy, wayyy too giddy to even write this. Safe to say, I have quite exciting news. Instead of posting only on 30ths, I will try to post this frequently to finish it off. Like you, even im excited on how Nakshatra and Aditya’s story will come to end, or not. (Tell me why I was giggling to myself at 1am thinking about Aditya???)



I really hope you liked today’s chapter.


If you want to read more short stories b y me, for absolutely free, you can check out the label “short stories” on blogger. Unlike this, they end in one post. No more waiting!


Also don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter on Substack!!


I hope you’re having a great January. Also is it just me or did you also feel that January 2025 was few months long?


February is close!! My birthday month <33



Thank you soo much for being part of this blog and reading my piece.

May the best be with you <3








TDD: ten day diary

I gave my toughest exams in a while. It was very difficult. Not safe to say I cried every other day, especially the day before exams haha haha… haha.

While I wait for my results and life to resume, I’m all yours. Not really, I have other hobbies too, where I’m an amateur there too.


Byeeeee, meet you in the next one <333


  1. I loved it. You'll have a great future amma. All the best. God bless you


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