

I don’t want anyone waiting on me

I would run to them if I have to

Cuz I know how bad it hurts

To wait for someone who won’t return


But hey I want you to wait for me

I want you to cry for me

I want you to be me for a day

Be in my place just one day


Now tell me how it feels

Does it hurt? Does it not?

But we both know that it sucks

To be the only one

Who really cares

In the first place


I just want to be home

Home with you

No more waiting

Just together with you


Though it’s not possible

I want to give it a try

I don’t want to regret

Not trying that night


Waiting for you and I

To become us

Well it’s not that simple


We can always stick them together

Add a little sparkle

And make our fantasy palace with no people


I’m waiting for us to be

Not just some characters from a movie

But “us” in the history

To look back on our memories


Waiting for us to

Look back in the pictures

And laugh about how I found you

How we used to talk before

How we used to spend time doing nothing

But just talking and laughing

Having the time of our lives

Not a worry in our minds


I’m waiting for the day

You’ll wait for my return

While I am away

And back I come in your arms


I’ll be waiting,

Waiting, waiting.


And hope you do too.


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