to all the series i've watched before

 If the original had a part two why not the parody have one too


Sto-rini- 5


So today we will be talking about all the series I have watched before. This one includes the ones I have completed. (I need to put that out there because I watch a ton of sh but don’t complete most of it)


But before I go into the list, I want you to know about me.

When I want to watch something/entertain myself, I chose something that doesn’t require a lot of attention or intellect. I feel like entertainment is supposed to be a break and rest to our minds. So most of the things mentioned below are the things that don’t have continuity. Like there would be little to no relation to the previous episodes but holds some importance whatsoever.


I have this weird concept, it’s more like what I'm interested in. my favourite genres are- comedy, slice of life, drama, romance. I watch a bit of thriller but not horror. Horror and I practice social distancing respectfully. I don’t watch a lot of action stuff. Because most of the action stuff has a flow in the series, like the episodes are connected so you need to watch and remember the details of each episode as you proceed. That’s tiring and confusing. I would rather watch series that don’t link up with previous episodes but have little to non references. You can watch it a year later and you would still understand what’s going on (just like Indian serialsđź’€). But as for the former kind, you need to do a recap to know what’s going on. And you need to remember to keep going and that just takes up a lot of storage in my brain.


And it doesn’t bother me if I leave a series stranded, like I don’t really care about it. I don’t get addicted to things, and that’s my biggest flex. If I leave something in the middle, I don’t get the urge to complete it. It doesn’t affect me; I will eventually forget it anyways. And that’s why my watch later list is longer than your life.



Let’s go chronologically.


1.       Crash landing on you.


Yes it’s a k-drama, and no I don’t watch them often.

This particular drama piqued my interest because of its idea. “A South Korean businesswoman accidently paraglides into North Korea and meets a guy” hmhmhm considering the enmity between the two countries and the lifestyle in the latter, I thought it was an interesting thing to watch. And boy was I not wrong. It’s an awesome drama and I would 10/10 recommend it.

I still remember the 15th episode. Sigh I cried a lot. (dw no spoilers)


See, I don’t watch a lot of k-dramas that means I watch the stuff that is very popular and super cool. So that’s why you need to watch it.



2.       Sweet home


Next in the list is this masterpiece which is originally a webtoon and got adapted into series. And yes I read the webtoon and watched the series too. It’s a k-drama but I refuse to believe it’s a drama since it’s more of action than drama.


The series is about a world where there is an apocalypse. People turn into monsters based on their desires. It’s an awesome thriller, action and suspense series.

(My friend watches a ton of thriller series and she loved this one!!)



3.       Sherlock Holmes


There’s nothing new to say about this character. I watched the one with doctor strange (Benedict). It’s awesome!! I loved every minute of it. This series is the kind that doesn’t need you to remember every detail in the episode. Of course there are references here and there but it’s not intense. You can watch the episodes after a year break and you would still be in the flow. Completely my type, I fell in love with Sherlock Holmes more than before. And it’s all because of Benedict and the side character’s intensity.


There is a theory that both the main characters are gay and I loved it even more because of it. (There are a bunch of edits on YouTube if you want to watch it)



4.       Young Sheldon


This isn’t completed, it’s ongoing but something I would watch every week! I usually don’t do that. I would stop watching it for months and then resume it so I can watch it for hours. But this one is a bit more special. It’s an awesome series about a dude who is more intelligent for his own good.

You know the “big bang theory”? “Young Sheldon” is the childhood of the main character!

This series fills all the categories. It’s funny, dramatic, slice of life and a bit of romance. It’s perfect for me!

The series is available on prime and is my comfort show after a tiring week. Sadly it updates on Thursday but I watch it on Saturday mostly.



5.       Flash


Flash is my first ever series with more than 5 seasons that I watched. I am not the kind to do the same thing for more than once or so. I mean the same concept is boring most of times but this particular show is in the other category.


I was so excited that it had nearly 6 seasons to watch and I actually watched everything in like 2 weeks or less. That was a challenge.

And flash isn’t completed yet, season 8 is going on and I'm watching it every week now.



6.       Snowdrop


I started watching this solely because of Jisoo but stayed for the story line. There are a few things I would like to talk about.

·         This drama has a concept kinda similar to money heist

·         Kinda similar to “crash landing on you” as well.

·         The main characters low-key look like siblings.

·         I watched it in 4x and I don’t regret it.



7.       Mr. queen


This is the most recent k-drama I watched. I was scrolling through prime video and found this interesting concept and decided to watch it. IT’S THE BEST THING EVER. It’s funny, romantic, dramatic and slice of life and everything perfect.

It has 16 episodes and 1 hour each; I was intimidated by it but enjoyed every second of it.




I can go on and on about this but let’s stop here because the post is getting long hah.


Hope you enjoyed this, byeee <3



TDD- not the best ten days. had fun with my relatives though, we went to a trip. Met my father and brother after a long time and i'm so happy! classes are getting tougher and I hate it. made some new friends!!


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