A Diver In The Space

I'm the diver in the space
I get lost when I try to escape

I dive deep into the galaxy
Hoping to see you happily

But then again I'm lost
In this dark place that's vast

What do I do now
How'd I find what I love

In this dark place that's vast
Where currently I'm lost

I don't see a thing of any sort
The stars and the dust they speak about 

All I see is darkness 
Spreading its wings
Making me lose my sense
Can't find my safety slings

I need to brew a remedy 
To find light in this caliginosity 

And only then can I not get lost
In this dark place that's vast

I'm floating standing and lying
All at the same time not knowing 
the difference in each as I
Struggle to stay still in this vast sky

I see purple blue and violet
And the black that's going to split

The purple violet and blue
Let yellow and orange glow due

The struggle was not worth it
For I suffered in silence
All this time not for some colours 
For my mind that's become duller

But the dullest of my brain
Found the slightest of rain
Of colours magical
As they actually are

All the brightness that was due
Became the beautiful hue

I felt happy after being lost
Diving in the space that's vast

I hope you like it. This is one of my recent works.
Well you probably must have noticed this but I'm gonna say it. I took the inspiration from the famous song "Astronaut in the ocean".  Not the song but just the title. ( playing intense in the background 'whatchu know about rolling down in the deep' ) (well that was funnier in my head heh)


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