
Showing posts from September, 2024

episode 4 of "i can't sing"

 i called them episodes in the first place and now i can't take it back. before reading this, you have to go read the first three episodes, you can find them on my blog label "i can't sing"!! here's the link.  i cant sing     Uma found me walking to school and decided to join me as a good friend. Only I was sad that I wished it was someone else. You know what; I am not going to think about him for a while now. I have a friend right beside me who is happy to see me just like you when you see him - shut up brain!! I need to learn how to be a good friend. I should talk to her and give her good company. You can’t deny it- ahhh .   “Soo, I think you liked the poem from last week, huh?” Uma was THE happiest when she read the love poems I showed. There are more in wip that they don’t know about. Her reactions to my poems were what kept me on the ship while his were crashing me from all directions. No I will not think about him. When she saw my broken face, she

Garden of love

   Would be nice to read with “ Birds of a feather ” by Billie Eilish.     Just when my flowers bloomed You decide to question my growth, Leading to my eternal doom Break my hope and heart both.   Right person wrong time. Never hated the fine line Between stranger and lover, Anymore than I do now.   What if I assure of my love? Would you be willing to love My flowers and their bloom, Without letting them doom?   Would loving you be a regret? I would rather be your friend. But I guess we will forget If we let go of our safety net.   But my heart wouldn’t listen to my brain, When it says let him go. My heart would rather wait in the rain, Than leave my flowers wither in vain.   Sunshine and water, I need for my flowers To grow and bloom Over the fence of our home.   But all I see Is grass not green, But sky so dark Glooming with clouds.   The garden of love Is now watered with my tears Tears of love, Now leaving my heart.   The black stormy clouds Surrounding my house, Destroying every b

to me

i have seen it all, The darkness lurking all around. i have experienced it all, The many wounds on my heart show it all. . Is there any love left inside of me? Am i even worthy of anything? These questions keep me awake While my tears dry up on my face. . Barren land surrounds my broken home i can’t even find a single brick of hope Tragedy fills up my eyes, While a smile covers my bleak life. . What is life without living, but a shell with nothing; Not even a life, if you ask me. . i can sense myself falling, falling, falling, falling Nothing to grab on to Nothing to live for, Except to hold on Till i stop falling one day. . Is not falling better than falling? Is life prettier if i stop falling down, ... And fall in love? . But what if   i’m incapable of love? What if life is but a lesson? What if my life was never worth anything? . All the while i fall, in the dark, dark night i wish for a star, a wish so subtle i