episode 2 of "I can't sing"

HELLOWW everyone!!! This is an announcement that I am now continuing the story to “ I can’t sing ” poem (on popular demand). This is will officially be our second episode. I have a whole season planned out for you all!! I’m VERYYY excited for you guys to check what I have in store. Just read this and at the end I’ll post more details <3333 I can't sing Episode 2- the beginning of it all Recap to the previous episode: (if you haven’t read the post , do it now!!) A girl, who can’t sing, has a crush on the lead singer of the band she is the lyricist of. After a couple of upbeat songs, they decide to do a soft love song. She loves to write and write about love. Her muse? It has always been him. While selecting a poem from many she has written over the year, he happens to choose the one that’s about ‘your crush loving someone else’, well in a way. Her heart is broken and now we are here. It was a little over a year ago; Nakshatra just moved to the...