broken clock
I think we all want to be a broken clock some time. Let me explain. Trail Of Thoughts - 18 Today I woke up and noticed that one of our wall clocks was not working. And I thought, “huh, to stop in time, must be a fantasy”. And my second thoughts were “I should get some batteries!” The point is I wanted to be like a broken clock and stop in time. You know, have a break because all my batteries dried up. The clock that was ahead of everyone for 10 minutes is now behind everyone and everything for 10 hours. And I liked that, and wished for it. I wanted to be behind everyone, take a long break and resume like nothing even happened. Resume, in the sense of picking up where i left off at that very moment and not days after. I may have identified myself with the clock broken clock and wished to be on hold while I get a battery change. But until then, I’m defying all the laws of time and science. It’s not an escape of any sorts. Just a tiny li...