
Showing posts from December, 2022

minus 2 years till the end of the world

Trail Of Thoughts- 16 Sto-rini - 10 Ok so to write this post I read my previous year post. And I noticed a few things: 1. I was a tad bit cringe 2. I had a resolution for 2022 3. I thought all my problems were solved just cuz I made friends 4. I talked mostly about what I did in the last couple of years.   So here is what we will do now. I will tell you everything about my life in 2022 (like a recap/ wrapped), so sit back and judge me!   Let me address the elephant in the room, what was my resolution for 2022? It was to work on my emotions. I used to force myself into thinking I was a robot with a metal heart (Emo era). And then I decided that it ought to change (post emo era). I think I’m still working on them. Well, better than before at least. I have a list of achievements and failures rn but I will only highlight my fails because it’s fun. 1.        Being a bad friend – insensitive to people that care about me and also a little...

Spotify wrapped

Trail Of Thoughts- 15 These days I’ve been listening to particular songs on repeat for hours together. It’s like I don’t want to change and stay on loop. Well change is inevitable anyways, so why change something I can control. That worried me a bit. Am I not adjusting to change?  Is this a kind of escape I so want? Or am I just reading too much into a simple song I love. Just as I was thinking about how I may not be suitable to this ever changing world, Spotify released its ‘Spotify Wrapped’.   It was quite exciting to be honest, to have a sneak peek of my music journey in this speed of light year. Can we just stop and take a deep breath and realize its December already? I’m not going to try to be cliché and say stuff like “it was just yesterday I remember cutting the cake that had ‘happy new year 2022’ on it and that dramatic sign that read ‘bye bye 2021, welcome 2022’” but hear me out. I joined 12 th class this year march. And I had my summer vacay for a lovely 50 days and...

puella aeterna

I just watched this video  titled, ‘The Psychology of the Man-Child (Puer Aeternus)’ by ‘Eternalised’ and this is everything that went in my mind after watching it.   Trail Of Thoughts - 14     It’s about people who don’t live life but live in their imaginary reality rather than the real one. They build air castles but do not act upon it. They are lazy and have tasks in their to-do list but don’t work which eventually makes them unsuccessful despite their talents and creativity. I describe that person in the video as a pessimist who does as little as work physically for the future in the reality but more mentally in the future of ‘his’ reality.   It is also about not using your creativity in the right way. It’s about living the life the child in you wants or wanted. It’s not just about rationality but to live with others and not just in your mind. It’s about living with others, humans, people and at the same time making sure you don’t get lost in them, with them...