Lost Bird
Hola! I’m a lost bird Flying into the infinity Without a goal Tryna reach the sky limit Not knowing there isn’t A sky in the first place It’s just air everywhere My darkest fears I couldn’t face Always flying for the sun I couldn’t stay for the dark Strangely I wasn’t tired But was contemplated The happiness didn’t last long When I couldn’t move at all One night I stayed Scared with the change As the sun went down The colours I never saw filled the sky It soon became darker Darker until I could see nothing I was afraid I was caught By my darkest fear The fear of not being able to fly To the sun in the sky Little did I know The sun was never there And same with the sky It was all in my mind But I didn’t admit I flew and flew Never stopped once For I feared I may think I saw night For the first time The darkness filled the sky I couldn’t believe my eye The reason I always flew And never stopped once Was that I was...